Should I Be Worried?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 17, 2007
Reaction score
Darlo, UK
Last thursday, I got a cleaner shrimp, along with two candy stripe shrimps and a selection of snails. (these are the first inhabitants to my newly matured aquarium) Sometime on saturday, he disappeared. He seemed OK, was acclimated over a 45 min period, and was behaving normally, and accepted food. It's now tuesday evening, and I haven't seen him since. I figured he was shedding his skin, and might be away hiding for a little bit while his new exoskeleton hardens. But how long does this take usually? ? I've checked around the back of the aquarium, nothing there so he hasn't jumped out...

All the other critters are doing great, btw, and the water quality is excellent.
No worries he probably just hidding in the rocks. Check out the tank at night you might see him then. mine two cleaner shrimp always hang out in the back of the rock and never come out. I know they are there because I see molted skin at the bottom of the tank all the time.

Sometimes they're just reclusive like Eversurf mentions. He's right, look at night.
Nope, still no sign of him. I did find bits of an empty shell, so presumably, he's moulted. The other shrimps and snails are doing great though....
I bought 3 Skunk cleaners last week. I now only can find 2. For the past 2 days I've only seen 2 of them and my fire shrimp. I'm beginning to think 1 didn't make it and has been eaten. :unsure:
they'll often be quite shy at first, we put our cleaner shrimp in and gave him up for dead, 2 weeks later he reappeared!!

don't panic just yet
It'll be two weeks this weekend since he was last seen. I'll give him another week before giving him up for dead. :unsure: He cost me £15, so I'm feeling a bit miffed....! :angry:

Got two clowns and a yellow tailed damsel yesterday, our first fish! :good: They're doing great; they started feeding almost straight after being put into the tank after acclimatising - all three were eating those little white copepod things that are crawling on the glass - there are hundreds of 'em! :good:
I think I've lost one too. I bought 3 together. The other two are down the right end of the tank. The fireshrimp is on the left. I've looked all over the tank and can't see the third skunk cleaner. I can pretty much see through all the rock piles. Not only that, but whenever I feed the fish, all the shrimp go mad and come to the tops of the rocks to catch food. Only two skunks are seen when this happens. He's definitely MIA, but I think I'll change that to Missing presumed dead :( .

£12.50 well spent :angry:
my peppermint shrimp used to be out all the time now i see him twice a week if lucky but today hes out again so i wouldnt worry alot of shrimps are recluvise and ,they could just have a nice spot and thats were there take to ,try getting a torch and 2 hours after its pitch black flash a torch you might see him
my peppermint shrimp used to be out all the time now i see him twice a week if lucky but today hes out again so i wouldnt worry alot of shrimps are recluvise and ,they could just have a nice spot and thats were there take to ,try getting a torch and 2 hours after its pitch black flash a torch you might see him

for some reason it done a double post ???

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