I'm a bit of a newbie to fish but I bought a 10 US Gal tank from wal-mart with a power filter, heater, and hood. I was eager to get started so the next day I bought 2 hi-fin black skirt tetras and 2 serpae tetras and 2 sunset something with a v (they were in the platy section at petco). I also placed my Betta in the tank because I didn't have room for the 1 gal tank he previously resided in. Its almost a week later and I'm concerned about the tetras. The 2 black skirt tetras have splits in there tails and they're not sticking together like they were. My girlfriend suggested they might be nipping each others fins but I never witnessed it. Also there fins appear to have lost some color. I'm worried about one of my serpaes as well. He just sits under a plant on the left most side and seems to struggle against the current from the filter.
Do I have anything to be concerned about?
Should I buy an ammonia test kit?
I kind of jumped into this without researching it and now that I know about cycling I'm hoping I didn't add too many fish too soon and kill them. Is there anything I can do to make it better for them like maybe moving some of them to a temporary tank?
Do I have anything to be concerned about?
Should I buy an ammonia test kit?
I kind of jumped into this without researching it and now that I know about cycling I'm hoping I didn't add too many fish too soon and kill them. Is there anything I can do to make it better for them like maybe moving some of them to a temporary tank?