Should i add another blue ram(blue ram help)

True, but sometimes there are ways to know when their little (sometimes)
Yea right. Lets I know a guy who has bred them for 10 years and he can't identify juvi with much reliability. Tell you waht I'll find a bag of 20 2 month old rams and if you get all their sexes correct i'll give you $1 but if you get one wrong you give me $100.
You can probably look up how to find their gender and then find out.
I agree. I'm doing that now. Admittedly, it was kind of an impulse buy. I've been reading about them & learning about them, but wasn't going to get them until next weekend. I had to get some stuff from the teacher store, which is across the street from my LFS. And then it happened. The employee said she thought they were both females, which I don't believe would be a problem.
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Yea right. Lets I know a guy who has bred them for 10 years and he can't identify juvi with much reliability. Tell you waht I'll find a bag of 20 2 month old rams and if you get all their sexes correct i'll give you $1 but if you get one wrong you give me $100.
I never said I knew... I was just saying in general with all fish.
while juvi they are very hard to sex; once they mature they are easy to sex.

Yeah, I can't tell right now. I'm good at doing that with some fish, like platys, but no idea with these yet. I'll keep observing them for signs of aggression. So far, they are fine - exploring the tank. They're awesome little fish!
Yea right. Lets I know a guy who has bred them for 10 years and he can't identify juvi with much reliability. Tell you waht I'll find a bag of 20 2 month old rams and if you get all their sexes correct i'll give you $1 but if you get one wrong you give me $100.
Also thats a bad bet 😂... Cause if I was dishonest I could've lied and you wouldn't have known but also you giving me $1 shows how not sure you are
I agree. I'm doling that now. Admittedly, it was kind of an impulse buy. I've been reading about them & learning about them, but wasn't going to get them until next weekend. I had to get some stuff from the teacher store, which is across the street from my LFS. And then it happened. The employee said she thought they were both females, which I don't believe would be a problem.
Well if you are not very experience and it sounds like your are not; they require clean water; they are intolerable to sudden temp change so be sure to warm your water when doing a water change; and they hate hard water. If you want to breed them be sure your tds is below 100 and they make lousy parents so be sure to provide some assistance. Just before bed time it also helps to sing them a lullaby.
Also thats a bad bet 😂... Cause if I was dishonest I could've lied and you wouldn't have known but also you giving me $1 shows how not sure you are
Actually i'm very sure you have no clue what you are talking about with regards to ram.
Actually i'm very sure you have no clue what you are talking about with regards to ram.
With regards to ram no, BUT, they still CAN be aggressive towards one another (not saying their not peaceful but it can happen)
With regards to ram no, BUT, they still CAN be aggressive towards one another (not saying their not peaceful but it can happen)
Just like dwarf gourami some people have said they are super peaceful, while others said they are the grim reaper
With regards to ram no, BUT, they still CAN be aggressive towards one another (not saying their not peaceful but it can happen)
That is a true statement but the most docile fish can be aggressive at times. I've had swordtails go bersek. It happens. But a 15 gallon aquarium can handle a pair of rams though i would remove the other fishes. The bigger issue with this aquarium is the set of fishes are not compatible with regards to temperature. Worse the rams are relatively delicate fish. They have a very low tolerance to dirty water; sudden change in water parameters as well as temperature. While many fishes can handle a broad range of non-optional environment rams are not nearly as flexible.
Just like dwarf gourami some people have said they are super peaceful, while others said they are the grim reaper
Give it a break. Just please stop this you are not providing helpful information.
Thank you so much for your insights! I just found it super strange because the ram had been so happy for the first weeks and only from a couple days ago started hiding/acting strangely. Ive been doing water changes with cold water and the ram has been responding fine. Today i can report it is swimming around a bit more and still feeding, which makes me less worried. It likes to nudge the guppy out of its space which also gives me hope haha. As for temps, ive read the high temps are only a must for breeding and can be kept from 25-30c. My tank is sitting at 26c. I think i might change to bi-weekly water changes to minimize stress. If i have to i can move fish as i have a 10 gallon that is already cycled. I still gotta figure what i want to do with my 3 tanks. I got this 15 gallon, then a 10 gallon cycled plus a 20 gallon still cycling
Thank you so much for your insights! I just found it super strange because the ram had been so happy for the first weeks and only from a couple days ago started hiding/acting strangely. Ive been doing water changes with cold water and the ram has been responding fine. Today i can report it is swimming around a bit more and still feeding, which makes me less worried. It likes to nudge the guppy out of its space which also gives me hope haha. As for temps, ive read the high temps are only a must for breeding and can be kept from 25-30c. My tank is sitting at 26c. I think i might change to bi-weekly water changes to minimize stress. If i have to i can move fish as i have a 10 gallon that is already cycled. I still gotta figure what i want to do with my 3 tanks. I got this 15 gallon, then a 10 gallon cycled plus a 20 gallon still cycling
Sounds like he just wanted to be lazy for a while and play hide and seek at the same time lol. Maybe he's getting over his "phase" now

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