Shopping List For The Weekend!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2011
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I'm off out at the weekend to buy a phosphate test kit and potentially some media bags and phosphate remover.

My levels are looking good so I'm thinking of getting a pair of clowns, the question is what food should I stock up on?
Anything really but try different stuff as variety is good.
My clowns eat a mixture of everything. My tanks get fed New Era Herbivore flake and Gamma frozen foods, sometimes Mysis, sometimes Brineshrimp with Spirulina or Brineshrimp with garlic and also Nori on a clip and the Clowns go for it all, although they don't take Nori from the clip they will eat what gets detached when others do. They are probably the least fussy fish I have.......well except the Chromis they are like the vacuum cleaners of the tank.
I swear by New Life Spectrum Thera +a and a small tub lasts ages, I have had the same tub for about 4 months.
im feeding them new era flakes, mysis, chopped prawns, and once a week i might put a bit of brine and garlic. since most people say not a lot of it will do no harm

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