
The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Ace Of Spades

maybe your right I should of given advice but i was in shock, so blurted out what i could in a rush

regarding these quotes of yours below

"Instead of calling her a idiot from the offset"

"Firstly your obviously very illiterate and secondly you was the one who started the abuse"

what need was there to insult me??

I told her nothing more than the truth, plus reading what you have placed here..... insulting me !!.......

how can you state that I'M THE ONE WHO IS illiterate ???

maybe you should have read yours before pushing the Add Reply button Ace Of Spades
I would of reacted the same way as she did, Not everyone has the same resources and is as knowledgable about FISH. Instead of calling her a idiot from the offset maybe you could of gave her some advice instead of acting like a total prat.

well said...
ya get over it lads
were all here for the love of keeping fish

ho ho ho n' all that :p
From what I've heard,.... I don't think she is the type that would've listened to advice.... (maybe I'm also a little prejudiced here) :lol:
tahneen --lol at you loving this thread

that advert was shocking :eek: omg!!
i hadnt seen that, thats just sooooo awful..

Ludwig Venter -- your probably right don't think she is the type that would've listened to advice, as ace of spades said i should of given her the chance to except some

limerickbandit -- ....yes we ALL LOVE keeping fish, so will be happy jolly people :D

petertr-- the attitude comes from others making unnecessary insults that was all.
Ace Of Spades

maybe your right I should of given advice but i was in shock, so blurted out what i could in a rush

regarding these quotes of yours below

"Instead of calling her a idiot from the offset"

"Firstly your obviously very illiterate and secondly you was the one who started the abuse"

what need was there to insult me??

I told her nothing more than the truth, plus reading what you have placed here..... insulting me !!.......

how can you state that I'M THE ONE WHO IS illiterate ???

maybe you should have read yours before pushing the Add Reply button Ace Of Spades

I can state that because you are illiterate. What do they say? Oh hmmm, what goes around comes back around. You was the one who acted first, and trying to big yourself up over the internet. Give it up your some geek who collects fish and gets a power trip over telling someone how to keep their fish.

Have you written books?, Specialised in a certain area of fish?...........If no then what gives you the right to comment like your the big boss of fish keeping?...

I do read my posts before I post, thank you very much :wub:.
I would of taken the nice approach first then go in all guns blazing lol.
Some people only post to get a reaction.
I can't believe people who no longer don't want there pets that they never seem try to rehome them, they would rather let them suffer then pick a phone up.
Ace Of Spades

maybe your right I should of given advice but i was in shock, so blurted out what i could in a rush

regarding these quotes of yours below

"Instead of calling her a idiot from the offset"

"Firstly your obviously very illiterate and secondly you was the one who started the abuse"

what need was there to insult me??

I told her nothing more than the truth, plus reading what you have placed here..... insulting me !!.......

how can you state that I'M THE ONE WHO IS illiterate ???

maybe you should have read yours before pushing the Add Reply button Ace Of Spades

I can state that because you are illiterate. What do they say? Oh hmmm, what goes around comes back around. You was the one who acted first, and trying to big yourself up over the internet. Give it up your some geek who collects fish and gets a power trip over telling someone how to keep their fish.

Have you written books?, Specialised in a certain area of fish?...........If no then what gives you the right to comment like your the big boss of fish keeping?...

I do read my posts before I post, thank you very much :wub:.

i didnt BIG MYSELF up over the internet it was a PRIVATE EMAIL no-one else knew about it from where she had placed her advert i was not making her look small infront of others....
so :p

i dont go round on (a power trip over telling someone how to keep their fish.) i was telling her that was the wrong thing to do AS WOULD ANYONE WHO GAVE a fig about another living thing!!

what goes around comes around in my context MEANS as she has brougt suffering to those fish .... and (after her nasty comments to me about being bitten by a dog etc) she might find it happens to her .... its a well known saying most educated people have heard of it... if you havent ^_^ OH!!

(If no then what gives you the right to comment like your the big boss of fish keeping?...) see you practice what you write for sure!!

(I do read my posts before I post, thank you very much)

do you..... queens english did you no favours then obviously love B-)
If we're being picky about illiteracy, then the correct grammar is "you were", not "you was"
this is so true.....

see if this helps lol

so i'll place THE END...........
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