Shoaling Tetras

The Mottfish

Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
Bristol, UK.
May seem like a silly question but I've got a 39 gallon tank which I'd like to get a large shoal of tetra's for.

I was just wondering if tetras of different species would shoal together? I'll definately be getting a load of cardinals but was wondering if they would shoal with some black neons or other tetras?

I was just wondering if tetras of different species would shoal together? I'll definately be getting a load of cardinals but was wondering if they would shoal with some black neons or other tetras?

I recently bought some cardinal tetras and put them in with some other tiny fish. I was wondering why they stopped shoaling after a few days. Turns out shoaling is a reaction to a perceived threat and when they get comfortable with the knowledge that there isn't anything around that will eat them, the shoaling stops.

Anywho, they're still nice to watch but they've become loners. They only shoal when they're frightened.
May seem like a silly question but I've got a 39 gallon tank which I'd like to get a large shoal of tetra's for.

I was just wondering if tetras of different species would shoal together? I'll definately be getting a load of cardinals but was wondering if they would shoal with some black neons or other tetras?


In my experience they only shoal with the same species, and as being said before, when they feel 'threatened'. Otherwise they will swim around freely on their own.
I thought that might be the case. 'spose i'll just have to get more cardinals!

What fish/critters do you already have in the tank and how long has it been set up for?

I haven't set it up yet and am still deciding on what to put in it. Any suggestions?
I actually have found that cardinals seen to shoal better in a larger group. When I had 8, they seemed to wander but after adding 8 more they seem to always stick close together.

If you like rummynose (firehead) tetras they are excellent shoaling fish, always together and more active than cardinals. I have both and really like the combination. The two species don't interact with each other, have different shapes, colouration and habits. But they form two very different and tight schools. Nice contrast. Bloodfins or others would give you the same effect. It's possible that the more active fireheads are keeping the cardinals in a tighter shoal. The two are quite compatible, the cardinals are thriving and don't seem threated by them at all.
get a group of atleast 10 they will feel safe and hag around together i had a group of 50 it was a magnificant site in my 75 gal planted tank

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