Shoaling fish and "pack" behaviour


New Member
Nov 7, 2003
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Cambridgeshire, G.B.
Does anyone know if shoaling fish operate a pack type social system like other group animals? Wolves and others organise themselves with a hierarchical system of domiance within their groups. I sometimes see my neons fighting but causing no apparent damage. Are they establishing there group hierarchy?
Most definately to a more or less extent depending on species, number, space, hiding places, conditions, threats etc.

eg very prominant in species such as tiger barbs but maybe not so much with your neons

My white skirt tetras seem to have a very heirarchical behaviour pattern. It seems to be based on who will run from who. Every once in a while there is a "tournament" of sorts and a new order is established.
Shoaling fish have a "pecking order" - the bigger stronger ones first and then the weaker ones. Even if there are only 2 or 3 of one species of fish, they will also have their own pecking order.

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