Shoaling Cories


Fish Fanatic
Mar 7, 2007
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OK, OK. I know ALL cories like to be in groups, but there are clearly some that enjoy the company of their own kind more than others.

For example, my pandas really enjoy being near each other. Though they ocasionally wonder off by themselves or with the leopards, the majority of the time I find them all sitting next to each other or at least close to each other. The jullis on the other hand are much happier being as spread out as possible! Ocasionally they will sit next to each other or with the pandas, but the majority of the time they seem to be happy on their own.

Could anyone recommend me another cory group that are likely to stick together as closely as my pandas?
Not entirely this applies to all Peppered Corys but mine all like to stay together when lying on the sand. However one of the three seems to be a loner at times, maybe he enjoys his own company. Might get another one, i love corys :)
My LFS now has 11 different types :( I seriously considered buying a tank purely for cories, haha.
Id be quite happy with a tank full of corys, thing is though theyd always be on the bottom and the tank would look rather bare lol.

Those white ones (albino?) love to stay together from what iv seen. Another option for you :)

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