Shimmy in Black Mollies


Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2003
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2 of my Black Mollies I think have shimmies (I thinks thats how to spell it) They sit in one spot and shake back and forth...I was wondering what is the best meds for this?

My water conditions are fine...
ammonia= 0
Nitrite= 0
Nitrate= 0
ph= 7.6
I do 20% wc 3 times a week, gravel cleaning once a month(unless it gets really bad and then I do half one day and the other half in a couple of days)

Also will my other fish get this or is this just a Molly thing?
I have 3 Mollies
3 Guppies
1 Pleco
I'm kind of concerned about how often you're doing the water changes. 3 times a week seems like a lot. Is there a chance they could just be stressed by all of the commotion?

I try to do them 3 times but sometimes its 1 or 2 times a week depends on how busy I am..But maybe thats what it is..My Male has been doing it for about 5 days
I think I'm gonna have to agree with Valerie. Three water changes a week? Once a week is usually sufficient. Shimmying (granted it's not a breeding tactic, like in some cichlids) is most commonly result of environmental factors. I would say doing water changes so frequently is causing this behaviour. You may also notice "yawning". I would suggest you cut back to one water change a week.
Ok thanks all..I will cut back to once a week..

No they arent breeding cause they are no where near other fish..

My guppies yawn (if we are talking about the same thing) every once in a while but not all the time

:*) I feel soooo bad now

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