Shes Dropping Eggs What Do I Do Help Me Please


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2007
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hi all i need help fast i took all my fish out of their 3ft tank lastnight and put them into a 4 1/2 ft tank i forgot to plug the heater in and the water obviously cooled over night i plugged the heater in as soon as i noticed this morning, as the water has heater up my albino cory has a huge bunch of eggs between her fins and is slowly dropping them, do i remove eggs straight away are they fertilised? i have a clue what to do and need advice, thanks in advance, im setting up another tank now for the eggs
i have 9 in there surely one would be male!! maybe, do i remove eggs as soon as?
i've moved them to another tank, yes the mum is still sticking them to the sides, she kind of holds the eggs in her fins then drops them where she feels is safe, ive looked at them so close and its like an inner circle inside the big bubble, does this sound fertilized?
this is the very first time ive delt with cory eggs
thanks for that, i have moved about 70+ eggs to another tank lol think she is finishing now, how long do the eggs take to hatch i believe its about 3 days how long did yours take if you have bred them before?
It usually 3~5 days. Although I hear some specie takes up to 7 days or so. And also it depends on the temperature they are kept. It usually quicker at the higher temp but of course within reason. Otherwise, the eggs will be cooked to hardboiled eggs. So probably kept around 75F is good.

I done with C.Panda, Sterbai And Melanotaenia. But never with C.Aeneus Albino so I don't know for sure but they should hatch in 3~5 days if everything goes well.
I personally don't use chemical for hatching eggs but I believe little water movement is good to discourage the fungus. So place the airstone or sponge filter is good.

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