She Dropped.... I Found Only One, Dead


New Member
Dec 27, 2009
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Hi guys, i had came home from school and looked at my still pregnant molly. I did my homework and found that she had dropped. I didnt put her into the trap on time, so she dropped by my corkscrew i assume. I only could find one wiggling around so i put it into the nursery. it later died. Do you think there could be more hiding :sad:
Of course there could be more hiding!
They're hiding!

Just see how things go, she could become pregnant again and you could still find more having a hide in some plants or what not.
ok well i put her into the breeding trap for now.
It's best to leave her out and about, if she's in the trap for too long, the stress could cause her to abort the fry.
well her birthing tube is still open so idk
you might have caught her in the begging of a drop so theres still hope that she may drop more,is she still fatt as she was ,and there are deff fry still in there
The fry may have been weak to die so soon after birth.

Try not to keeping trapping and releasing her,that will stress her more and if she still has fry to drop,she may end up aborting them.

If she has finished,not doubt she will have more in the next month or so :good:
ok she has finished i only counted 10 though and she is REALLY skinny
If you can get those 10 into a breeding net or other container, they stand a good chance of surviving if they make it through the first day. Any weak or premature fry will be lost very quickly and often all that remain will go on to grow to adults if they are not eaten.

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