Sharks With Betta?


Sinclair Aquatic Systems
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom, Scarborough
would a shark, say a red finned shark, be okay with a betta? ive had problems with red tailed black sharks before so probably wouldnt wanna go with that shark. or would any shark bite the betta's fins? thats what i'm worried about because of the way bettas swim.
i would say probably not. most sharks can be nasty towards smaller long flowing find fish, especialy a red tailed shark. im not saying it cant be done, i am just sayin i wouldnt recommend it. usualy the fin nipping accures after lights out with these kind of fish.
They should be fine together, Betta's are probably too small for the shark to bother with!!
They should be fine together, Betta's are probably too small for the shark to bother with!!


bettas can get 3+" including tail and sharks get about 5" so theres not that bigger difference.

depending on tank size tho i dont think youd have much problem in something bigger than 29g. thats the minimum size for a RTBS anyway....

the betta should hover around the top and the shark at the bottom and RTBS only really go for stuff that uses there space or looks the same.

any rtbs is gona be a bit of a gamble tho. when youve had him for over a year then you can start to relax a bit but otherwise you have to keep an eye on them.
I beg to differ, Bettas are naturally fighting fish, and Red-Tailed Black Sharks are rather agressive. =) I have one, and he chases the other's around if they come too close to his rock, so I wouldn't suggest putting them in together. However, Red-Tailed Black Sharks grow to about SIX inches, and that would however be abit bigger than the Betta Fish, he could easily harm, and in the most unfortunate occasions probably kill your Betta.

In conclusion, my strongest word would be; No.
I would strongly advise against it, RTBS are quite territorial and agressive fish and their temperments can vary wildly from shark to shark- they are definately not a safe fish to put with a betta. If the shark turned on the betta (which is not unlikely), the betta would not stand a chance as betta's have no defence against the attack of such fish, the shark is faster and much more agile and powerful than a betta.
Also because both fish are territorial, they are more likely to stay and fight each other rather than try and retreat- even though their territory tends to occupy different parts of the tank, unless you had an absolutely massive aquarium the fish would be likely to see and clash against each other sooner or later. And it wouldn't be a fair fight either for above mentioned reasons, the betta would probably sustain very bad injuries, particularly because once RTBS take a dislike to a certain fish, they tend to harrass and chase it night and day more or less all the time until the other fish is removed from the tank.
Exactly, thank you.

However, that's a poor stero type, as Tokis mentions attitudes varry. Take my Bala Sharks, those two are the sweetest, they're like, not at all agressive towards my other fish.

However. Again like Tokis said, once a Black Shark takes an unliking to a certain fish, they won't stop harassing them. I know this from personal experience, considering my black shark isn't very if at all agressive towards my electric blue guppy, and several of the others and either of my Bala Sharks. But my Danios and like, two or three of the certain guppies, he will go after if they even come with in a few inches of the stone he's claimed. The others can come near it and do whatever with out so much as getting looked at.
Mark my words, the RTBS WILL kill your betta once it becomes an adult and starts getting territorial. Common sense dictates that this is a bad idea. RTBS are more often than not really agressive fish, or at least "adult" RTBS are, your betta will not be a match for him in any way shape of form. You may as well just put the betta with a cichlid, the result will be the same.

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