

Marine Keeper..
Apr 20, 2009
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Ok - So I got the tank off seffie, she said keep the sg at 1.026 which is fine, and I notice other marine people on here stating its good to have them to near 1.026. So how come LFS do it at 1.023 (well most of them) and say its good to have it at 1.023?

Ah ok. So when I go to pick up water and tell them to do it at 1.026 and they ask why, I will just say "Because im keeping corals :)".
Thanks ben.


Also just another thing, I presume people keep reef tanks that dont go on forums etc. So they would have there water at 1.023, and be successful I presume?

If I where you I would do as Ben as subjected and mix my own salt in to the RO water that way you know what you’re getting, if you think about it the LFS is going to use the cheapest brand of salt possible to maximise its profits :rolleyes: , which is ok for a fish only tank but when you have corals you want a good quality salt with a good balance of all the trace elements in it. :good:
I will have to buy LFS salted for a couple of weeks until I get enough money to buy some salt im afraid.
How much would like a £15 bag last for a 25ltr change weekly at 1.026?

I buy salted from my LFS and have asked them which salt they use (D&D) so have no issue using theres at all I agree that people want to make a profit which you cannot blame them but a simple question to ask could put you at ease ;)
I will have to buy LFS salted for a couple of weeks until I get enough money to buy some salt im afraid.
How much would like a £15 bag last for a 25ltr change weekly at 1.026?


I personally use Red Sea Coral Pro Salt you can get a7 kilo tub for about £20 in my LFS YF and it makes around about 40-50 gallons depending on SG if I remember correctly

I buy salted from my LFS and have asked them which salt they use (D&D) so have no issue using theres at all I agree that people want to make a profit which you cannot blame them but a simple question to ask could put you at ease ;)
O yes I have to total agree with you morri the lfs have got to make a profit absolutely. All I was simple trying to say is if you buy your own salt you will have more choice and will be able to buy the one that best suits your needs.
Have to say my LFS uses TMC Pro Reef for the salt water they mix, this is reflected in the prices of fish and coral though. They are a little more expensive than most places.

Most of the time its mixed to 1.023-1.024 but when there at the beginning of the week she did apologise to someone with a fish only tank as it was at 1.026. He said not to worry, I will water down with a little RO.

Some a good, some are not, its is experience that tells you what your lfs is like.
I've read many posts of people first posting saying "my coral that I just bought is looking funny" and ironically enough their sg is low(1.021 or 1.022).

Just think of where they come from in the ocean. How much does the average ocean flucuate? Not much ;)
i just rung the lfs about this coz i noticed it was really low and they said its alot less stressful for fish and the corals are fine in 1.023 also they use red sea core pro or something is that a good brand?
With an SG of 1.023, your calcium, magnesium, strontium and trace elements are going to be too low. This means that you will end up supplementing much more than if you kept your SG at 1.026.

If you are supplementing more, you are going to be buying more additives which in turn means more money for your LFS. If you are supplementing more you should be testing more, which means your LFS sell more test kits too.

They are very sly at trying to get your money off you.

Much better to use and extra scoop of salt and supplement less.
my lfs sells 25 litres for 2.50 and is at 1.026

and there stats are fine

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