Sexy Dance--now With Piccies

Well I decided the aneaus eggs got fungus and was taking the tank down: heater out and cleaned in hot water, air wand and tubing the same but also brushed the wand. I put the artificial plant with the the remaining eggs in the adult cory tank. I lifted the tank and took one more look to be sure.

:eek: some little specs like pieces of dirt were wriggling around the tank bottom. :hyper:

Well, needless to say I put back the heater, air wand and the plant w/eggs. I dusted some Betta fry starter in.

I will change the water tonight or tomorrow am when I get home. I think I should have left the air wand where I first had it under the eggs. I may have waited too long to put it back in the first spot I where I thought was right.

I didn't count them. I was still locating new ones when I got in gear to reassemble the tank. I can't see them still sitting on the counter. I have to lift the tank to the light.
:fun: :lol: :shifty:

I will let you know the next event. I'm not much of a breeder, egg keeper, or fry raiser. So I hope something besides bacteria live. :) The one survivor of the last attempt with 8 hatched eggs is in the adult tank now. He was a little disfunctional at first staying to himself, but he is in Atlantas now resting with the rest of his tribe.

So far I am only seeing one at a time. I'm guessing they are holding up under the air wand when the light comes one.
Hi jollysue :)

Any more sightings? Have you got the microworms going? :unsure:
Sorry I'm a hopeless breeder. I lost all of them. There were two that hatched out of that whole clutch and they didn't make it. My only excuse is the 12 hour work days. I just don't have any time on work days and miss a few hours of sleep each work day as it is. :*) :sad:
a suggestion i placed all the spawn in a net breeder so the flow of the main tank was getting to them but also i managed to keep about 14 to 16 alive from a batch of eggs luck i guess but easier than having a breeding tank good luck
I believe I got a breeder net awhile back when it was on sale. I might try your suggestion. Do you put the eggs in it, jammerone34? If it works I may watch and try it in the community tank with the peppers, who I feel sure are spawning, I just haven't seen any eggs. A San Juan is particularly round in the small cories tank, too.

Only won't the snails get in the breeder net?

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