Sexing true blue acara ciclids

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Can you tell me why you're concerned about the yellow labs? I have one mature male and 3 young ones. I'll be moving them in their own aquarium next week.
You shouldn’t mix rift lake cichlids (yellow labs) and American cichlids (green terror) they have very different requirements and behaviours
Can you tell me why you're concerned about the yellow labs? I have one mature male and 3 young ones. I'll be moving them in their own aquarium next week.
Mbuna like Yellow Labs need to be in hard, alkaline water to grow and develop properly and South American fish like Green Terrors need to be in soft water otherwise they develop calcium build ups (kidney stones) which will shorten their lifespan.

Mbuna are also generally mouth brooding fish that hold small territories for short periods of time before moving on where as South and Central Americans are surface spawners so take up bigger territories for much longer periods of time - some times permanently.

Aggression wise a GT is probably going to take a Yellow Lab but before it got to a fight the way they display is very different and what is meant as a warning flare to one will be a death threat to the other.

It just makes for a stressful tank and stressed out fish are more susceptible to disease, show less colour, hide more, fight more etc and then that makes it disappointing and stressful for you as the fish keeper so its great to hear you are planning separate tanks :)

I’m 90% sure these are green terror X blue acara hybrids .. one of mine for example that I bred myself so I know the origin


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So reading this has made me confused about if my blue acaras are true blue or not. Any help here?


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