Sexing true blue acara ciclids

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Jul 4, 2022
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Nsw australia
Hi my name is Mary from Australia and I'm new to cichlids. I have two beautiful blue acara cichlids but I have no idea what sex they are.
Could anyone with experience give me their opinion? Thanks in advance.


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Hi and welcome to the forum :)

Normally males have longer more pointed dorsal and anal fins, and the females have shorter more rounded fins.

I don't recall blue acaras having a yellow edge to the dorsal fin but it's been a while since I saw them. My understanding is the yellow edge on the dorsal fin is from breeding blue acaras with gold edge rivulatus (green terror cichlids). I might be wrong and really need my books to check.

Hopefully our cichlid specialist @Wills can help.

The fish on the right looks a little sunken in around the belly. If it is eating well, the fish might have intestinal worms. Section 3 of the following link has info on treating fish for intestinal worms.
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

Normally males have longer more pointed dorsal and anal fins, and the females have shorter more rounded fins.

I don't recall blue acaras having a yellow edge to the dorsal fin but it's been a while since I saw them. My understanding is the yellow edge on the dorsal fin is from breeding blue acaras with gold edge rivulatus (green terror cichlids). I might be wrong and really need my books to check.

Hopefully our cichlid specialist @Wills can help.

The fish on the right looks a little sunken in around the belly. If it is eating well, the fish might have intestinal worms. Section 3 of the following link has info on treating fish for intestinal worms.
Thank you for your info. I'll read up about intestinal worms and get some treatment for them.
I bought them from a private seller and she said they were blue acara.
They are very docile and don't bother the other fish.
I think they are blue acara because they look more compact and they don't have a lot of orange on their tail fin. But they could be hybrid also
Yeah it’s the head shape for me telling me they may not be green terror.
But the orange stripe down the dorsal fin looks very green terror to me

Could be hybrid
Yeah it’s the head shape for me telling me they may not be green terror.
But the orange stripe down the dorsal fin looks very green terror to me

Could be hybrid
I've watched a few videos of blue acara on YouTube and the orange dorsal fin is always orange
Hi thanks for all the tags :) I think these are Green Terrors as Blue Acaras have gold trim to the dorsal fin and GTs have gold trim to the dorsal and caudal fin which yours have. In terms of genders from the first post I think first pic is male and second pic is female. Males have a pointed dorsal and anal fin and females are rounded which we can see here.

I'm probably most concerned about the fish I can see in the background - are those Yellow Labs I can see?

Hi thanks for all the tags :) I think these are Green Terrors as Blue Acaras have gold trim to the dorsal fin and GTs have gold trim to the dorsal and caudal fin which yours have. In terms of genders from the first post I think first pic is male and second pic is female. Males have a pointed dorsal and anal fin and females are rounded which we can see here.

I'm probably most concerned about the fish I can see in the background - are those Yellow Labs I can see?

Thanks @Wills

They looked more GT to me but wasn’t entirely sure
Hi thanks for all the tags :) I think these are Green Terrors as Blue Acaras have gold trim to the dorsal fin and GTs have gold trim to the dorsal and caudal fin which yours have. In terms of genders from the first post I think first pic is male and second pic is female. Males have a pointed dorsal and anal fin and females are rounded which we can see here.

I'm probably most concerned about the fish I can see in the background - are those Yellow Labs I can see?

Can you tell me why you're concerned about the yellow labs? I have one mature male and 3 young ones. I'll be moving them in their own aquarium next week.

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