Sexing Severums?

Nope :rofl: just like lampeyed tetras and red eyed tetras...same fish, different name
wow ok so my 3 inch sev could potentially be a beautifull orange fish. i bought it at just over an inch labeled as a yellow sev but there was gold sevs with parrot fish a few tanks away so this is whjy im confuised :S lol
Both look male to me, but if you have a better picture of the face of the gold it would help :)
If you can get a clear full face shot it would be good.

Golden males usually have light red/orange markings on their face but this isn't always the case with some males. I thought I had two males after they battled for over a year chasing each other but they recently paired up.
My greens look the same, no different markings or fins. Your green should start colouring up nicely soon.
My green and have both colored up a lot since I got them. They are still quite small, so I am sure they have a little while to go before they reach full potential. I don't really care if they are both males or both females, or if they are a pair. We just noticed how different their fins were and were curious if that was a difference in the type of severum, or if it was an indicator or male versus female. Regardless of sex, they share a huge tank with Oscars so breeding is out of the question anyway lol.
Here you go Micko






And this shwos their size. Compared to my 7 inch Tiger and my 8 inch Red oscars

The gold does have facial markings and going on the first ray of the anal fin I am 98% sure thats male same as the green.

Lovely oscars too :)
I have bred Gold Severum now many (10-15) times. The one thing I was able to discern as far as sexing them is the males tend very long dorsal and ventral fins that extend PAST the end of their tails, which is usually not the case with females. The ends of the females'dorsal and ventral fins are also pointed, but sometimes are more rounded.
Other than that, BOTH sexes have orange makings around the face when they are sexually mature.

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