Sexing Red Spotted Sev

[email protected]

Jan 3, 2009
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hi all.

sorry to bother you. i have a little question to ask !!

i have 2 red spotted sev's, 1 is about 8 to 9 inches and i am 99% sure thats a male and i have a smaller one ( alot smaller ) which is about 3.5 to 4 inches in size. sorry i cannot put any pic's online as camera is broken.

what are the charcter' to look for in a female as i am hoping this is female.

i know the face markings are on the smaller one are very faint conpaired to the large sev and the large sev seems to show a fair bit of interest in the smaller one. plus they do tend to like swimming with each other.

is there anything to look for i.e fin differences?

thanks for looking at my post and looking forward to hearing what you guys say

kindest regards
Fin extensions on Males are the obvious difference, and some males will have a lot more markings around their head, but this isn't always the case
I'm sure I read somewhere that most Red Spots are male and infertile. Mine is male - very flowing fins and a lot of markings on the gill plates.

Congrats - they are fantastic fish!
i've also heard the same that most of the reds are infertile.
Yep same here, Red Spotted have the same problem as Blood Parrots, most males are 'Jaffas' :p Females however are 100% fertile.

As for sexing, red spots imo all look the same, other Severums are easy to sex by the gill plate markings tho.

Red Spotteds are bred from a gold male and female Red Spot, the originals were line bred from golds.

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