Sexing My Rams Please


Fish Fanatic
Jun 7, 2008
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hi everyone ive got these two rams and ive looked around on here for info to see wether they are boy or girl,what i can tell is that i have two males could someone help me on this the picture isnt the best and sorry for the dirt behind the fish just had to empty my filter dirt back in as ive got loads of baby shrimp lol

thanks for the help before hand :good:
Picture is not good enough im afraid! Good luck though I have 2 that are identical which I thought were both female and turns out they are a breeding pair!

My Rams
I would say and I could be wrong, that the ram on the right is a female, has blue speckles in the black spot, which is usually a good way to tell. Also females tend to have a pink belly. Although saying that, people have had what they thought to be both males or both females and ended up with a breeding pair.

Providing there are no major aggression issues I wouldnt worry too much, they are great fish to keep.
I would say and I could be wrong, that the ram on the right is a female, has blue speckles in the black spot, which is usually a good way to tell. Also females tend to have a pink belly. Although saying that, people have had what they thought to be both males or both females and ended up with a breeding pair.

Providing there are no major aggression issues I wouldnt worry too much, they are great fish to keep.

Im afraid you are wrong - the fish on the right is male - I know this to be a fact as the other fish laid the eggs - the only way I can tell the difference is because she has a deformed pectoral fin which i think was chewed off at some point before I got her! They both have blue speckles in the black spot and both have pink bellies! :lol:

I think in some cases its pretty obvious which is which, but in others like mine there is no difference!
thanks to everyone that has replied ive got more photos as soon as i get into photobucket lol internet seems to be really slow.the only thing they seem to do is chase and peck at the side of each other is this normal oif they are male and female :rolleyes:
Hey Gilli,

I was just wondering if you ever got fry out of your eggs. Because I have heard of instances where two females will lay eggs just out of instinct even though they wont hatch. Just wondering if this is the case for you or not.
thanks to everyone that has replied ive got more photos as soon as i get into photobucket lol internet seems to be really slow.the only thing they seem to do is chase and peck at the side of each other is this normal oif they are male and female :rolleyes:

They are probably just establishing who is boss, rams are mostly bluff, they tend to race after each other, stop square up, then one will back down, quite funny. Unless they become really aggressive towards each other, you have nothing to worry about. Make sure they have plenty of hiding places and plants to escape each other, this will help. :good:

As for the shrimp, beware, they could become tasty snacks for the rams :shifty:
Hey Gilli,

I was just wondering if you ever got fry out of your eggs. Because I have heard of instances where two females will lay eggs just out of instinct even though they wont hatch. Just wondering if this is the case for you or not.

No luck yet but i live in hopes! I know they are male and female as the eggs have got to the stage where I can see eyes in them before they got gobbled up! :lol:

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