Sexing My Bolivian Rams

Sadly I lost the smaller ram last night. I had tried rearranging the tank last weekend and added lots more plant cover. She almost straight away found a great hiding place in amongst the new cabomba and the larger ram couldn't see her. I was hopeful that with less bullying going on she would improve. The hiding place she had also allowed me to drop food right in front of her which stayed in the cabomba and she would pick away at it but it wasn't to be. Yesterday she deteriorated fast and I lost her last night.

I'm gutted but honestly surprised she lasted as long. I really didn't want to give up on her and have given her all my attention.

David :(
Sorry to hear that.  Just lost my female as well, yesterday morning. Anyway, now you know and if you wanted a pair, you know how to find a male.  And what to look for in a healthy ram.  Good luck moving forward.
Sorry to hear that too.

I might just stick with the single ram. Ive read lots that they do well on their own in a community. The remaining female is really nice and looks very healthy. I know the bullying is just nature but I can't help but feel I've put the survivor in the bad books. The bullying even continued when she was on her side dying. Awful to watch. I'm sure she won't stay in my bad book for long as I love all my fish. I've just been so focused on the weak one since I got them.

I'm going away for a week a few weeks from now so won't be changing anything until I come back so will spend that time thinking about it but you're right that I certainly know what I'm looking for now. I wonder if a single dwarf gourami would be ok in my community.

Thanks for the guide mate! Had a lot of conflicting information before and ended up with 10 rams whist trying to get a pair.

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