Sexing Harlequin rasboras


Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2005
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I've been considering a small shoal of harlequins for my female betta tank (plans slowly dying as the female bettas prove to be prize shrews, but the dream still remains) and have been reading up on them in general but I am especially curious about sexing them.

I've read that males tend to be slimmer than females and that the black 'wedge' on their backsides has a rounded extension, whereas the 'wedge' on the female is perfectly straight. Very nice to know, but I have no pictures to compare to train myself to spot the differences! I googled them, but couldn't find any pictures citing specifically male or females, just general pictures of the fish.

Does anybody have a few pics of male and female harlequins I could take a look at, just to get a feel of what I'm looking for? Thanks!
If I had a picture, I would show you, as the description you gave is very good, but I don't have one, sorry. In the anal fin, the male has a more pronounced thin black stripe near the edge. Females have it too, but it is harder to find. But the best way is the pattern of the black on the body, as you described.

I have a shoal of 5 rasboras, 3 males, 2 females, and they've laid eggs, but my betta, Fafner, ate them.

Hope some one can help you soon.

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