Fish Fanatic
Have you got yours yet? If so how have got them setup?
Have you got yours yet? If so how have got them setup?
Have you got yours yet? If so how have got them setup?
Hairy Puffers are freshwater, not brackish
Hairy Puffers are freshwater, not brackish
Hairy Puffers are freshwater, not brackish
Agreed but i'm more comfortable running them at very low salt levels.
Hairy Puffers are freshwater, not brackish
Agreed but i'm more comfortable running them at very low salt levels.
Its a freshwater Puffer therefore should be kept in freshwater.
You don't just decide to stick the fish in Brackish because it suits you. If you need to raise the PH for what ever reason then do it but don't put a fish in the wrong water conditions on purpose. Yes its low brackish but still not what the fish ideally should have.
I understand that "its possibly been helping them spawn", but at the end of the day my point stands, you dont add a fish to water that suits you, rather than what up to this point has been and proven to suit the fish. Im talking about all the books, site forums etc that have this as a freshwater fish.
If after a study on a similar scale to RTR's on other Puffers it turns out to be better in Brackish fine, but until then you have to go with what everyone currently knows.
1.003 won't hurt these fish, and they're breeding.
I now have eggs. spawned this weekend. I have separated a number of them into a second tank. I need to get some Vinagar worms or brineshrimp going.