Sexing Bettas?

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yeah both males
i think u have been done over thats alot of money where did u buy them from £7 is the highest ive ever seen VT at.
u could have baught 2 CT from K.Gbettas with change lol
Where did you get yours? I can see paying that much if you got them from a breeder who had to ship to you, but normally veiltails are under $5.00. However, no matter what they tell you on other boards, veiltails are not crappy. There are just a lot more of them around than other tail types, and they are the easiest tail type to find at most stores. :)
Veils are cheap and very common but that doesn't mean they are not beautiful or not great pets!
Did you mean 21.99 USD, CAD, GBP, or some other currency? That seems like a lot for a VT- the average LPS in my region charges about $10 CAD for a VT male and of three Walmarts we have within a half hour driving distance, two do not sell fish at all (yay, them!) but the third charges five bucks for a VT male. Even that might seem like a drastic difference, but the WalMart fish are generally less vibrant than the LPS ones and they have a slower turnover rate so they're pretty sluggish when you go to see them, so I suppose the management realised they'd have to price competitively if they wanted to shift them at all.
At my local petshop they price them that much. 21.99 for a betta, and that's the only kind. puppies are $1,500.00, hamsters are 12.99. Parrots $5,000.00. Currency??? Dollars I guess. I live in Massachusetts.
If you ever want more bettas, try ordering online. They have some awesome fish for sometimes cheaper than what you paid. Course, then you see all the ones that are $50 or more and then you find yourself saving up your money and counting your pennies......yeah, its kinda an addiction.
When you order online arent they stressed from being shipped to yoU?
I just got two females shipped to me from Connecticut. They were a tad stressed, but after gradual exposure to light, salt, and some live blood worms, they are fiesty and happy as ever. It depends on the fish. Course, with ordering online, there is the possibility of the fish arriving dead. :( I had that happen very recently. But overall, I'd have to say it was a good experience because the people who shipped the fish to me were very nice and helpful. I would do it again.
Are they mailed in one of those little cups that you buy them in? I bought mine in a bag, though.
Usually if you buy from a breeder they're shipped in bags... I've had one shipped to me in an old coke bottle before, though :p

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