Sex Of Fries?


New Member
Jul 1, 2012
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are all fries born one gender (i read somewhere sex of fry is temperature based)? my female gave birth to 6 fries and they're one month old now. one of the 6 is significantly smaller but it has a fan-like anal fin like the other 5...

in one batch of fry there are bound to be males and females?
are all fries born one gender (i read somewhere sex of fry is temperature based)? my female gave birth to 6 fries and they're one month old now. one of the 6 is significantly smaller but it has a fan-like anal fin like the other 5...

in one batch of fry there are bound to be males and females?

In case you were wondering and just for info...the plural of fry is fry.
are all fries born one gender (i read somewhere sex of fry is temperature based)? my female gave birth to 6 fries and they're one month old now. one of the 6 is significantly smaller but it has a fan-like anal fin like the other 5...

in one batch of fry there are bound to be males and females?

Of course us humourists here have not answered your question :fun: . What breed of fish are the fry?
So are male guppy fry borned with a their point gonopodium or are all guppy fry born with a dorsal anal fin?
they all generally look female. sometimes it take a couple of months before they can be sexed

i generally think of the pointy fries as male, bu they all taste the same regardless :p (sorry i couldnt help it)
Guppyrookie, all joking aside, all newborn poeciliid livebearers look like females but their gender is determined by chromosomes, not temperature. Things like temperature, pH and even the existing genders of other fish do indeed influence some fish, but not our common livebearers. Our common livebearers must mature to a degree before they develop the characteristic identifiers of fin shape and secondary sex characteristics like the sword in a swordtail. Until that degree of maturity is achieved, all fry will resemble females. Often the time involved can be as little as 3 months but I have seen swordtails that took almost 2 years to show their true gender. For guppies, that 3 month value is far more typical.
With my male guppies, I've found their maturation varies quite a lot. Some I knew were males when I could see a shadow of color coming in on their bodies which happened before they got their gonopodiums (for my snakeskins). But I have several males that have color blotches on their bodies and their gonopodiums came in before their color at around 2 - 3 months of age. And I have one lone male who grew a LOT more than the rest of the boys and didn't get his gonopodium until close to 4 months as well as his body color shortly after (which is pale blue)... he still hasn't grown his full tail (he is the one in my avatar).

I find it easier to sex females and remove them to their own tank and all others stay together until I know what they are. Better a female in the male tank than a male in the female tank!

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