
OK, thanks for that. I will get some within the week. Getting the sev by the weekend too, all depends on when the seller is free... Just decided to get the Aquaclear 200 to go with the Penguin 170 making for 370gph (Sounds very nice. :)) and selling the Aquatech...

I'll probably be getting a pleco to go in there as well, still reviewing my choices. Will keep you all updated on what happens. :D

my ph is fine? I've been getting mixed number for this, and some say 6.0-6.5, another say more than 7... So am I in the safe?
Discomafia said:
my Ph is fine? I've been getting mixed number for this, and some say 6.0-6.5, another say more than 7... So am I in the safe?
If you have neutral PH , you'll be fine [ IME ] , Mine is usually 7.0 out of the tap , I do nothing to alter it , my sons [ see Dwarfs avatar ]severum is aw some :flex: , thriving .Several years ago I kept a severum very happy in water with a reading of around 7.4 , I kept him with Australian rainbow fish , they'll also be o.k. in 7.0 PH water . [ thought they needed the higher PH , but they adjust ].

Sevs are undemanding , 7.0 is good/ideal , they should have regular water changes to cut down nitrate build-up , as the do grow large and this could be a big waist producer . :no:
Just did a ph test at the lfs, and it came out to be 6.6... Must be because I added a piece of drift wood and am heavily aeriating the tank. Also my test kit is more than 3 months old, so... And carbonate hardness is less than 2 degrees, which I think should be alright for the sev, pretty soft and acidic water...

I'll be getting some more slate soon, I need to know how should I place them though. Trying to form caves big enough for the sev is what I should be doing, am I right? I've just got one piece of driftwood, how many more should I get? I'm planning on making the right side for caves and left side for some wood, any problems with that?

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