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Wills said:
Hi, a 75g for a gold is a little tight on size for an adult fish but it is manageable.
From your list there are quite a few options - the Green Terror is a no go, they usually end up having to be a wet pet in a tank this size as they can be overly aggressive. I would worry about putting cichlids with good finage in a tank with Tiger Barbs, although they can be manageable I have found they do still nip so it cant be the best option in a tank like this.
As you mentioned the Gymnogeos need a cooling period, this is pretty much essential and non optional the down side of these species which is they are not really suitable for just community life it needs a very specific set up and is not something to add to someone else
With the Geophagus type fish, they are gregarious fish so need to be kept in groups of 4+ so take up a large proportion of the stock. The three species of Geophaugs you mention are very substantial fish, the Altifrons will grow too large generally getting to around 10 inches but the Orange Heads and Pindare are borderline on size as big males can get to around 8 inches for both fish. The best option would be the Cupids in a nice sized group of 5-6 of them would work great in the tank

The Blue Acara would work fine as would any of the other "Acara" type fish like the Yellows, Blacks, Saddle etc - I really like the yellows personally.
The Pictus would work but not with the cupids as they could end up as snacks to an adult pictus.
The EBJD would work with the Severum as well, though you would be looking at a specific set up around mid to large sized cichlids with a large school of something like Bleeding Heart Tetras or any of the disk tetras.
Personally I would go for something like
1 Gold Severum
6 Cupid Cichlids
12 Lemon Tetras
4 Spotted Headstanders
3 Hoplo Catfish (or more if you miss out the headstanders)
To me this is a nice Amazon themed tank with a good mix of colours and behaviors the Lemon Tetras could be any of the disk shaped tetras

Hope thats helped
I think you gave me some great insight as what options would work. I didn't realize geophagus needed at least 4 of their own in a tank. I actually picked out the cupid cichlids but weren't sure if they would work or not. Now that I know, I would rather have them.
I have tiger barbs in my 55 currently with kribs, Severum, roseline barbs and don't seem to have issues with them. Seem to be busy enough chasing after each other. BUT will consider this as an option to keep in the 55.
I am not sure if I would be able to get the headstanders or the hoplo catfish? Would the Synodontis Zebra catfish or Synodontis eupterus be a good option? Either that or the Dianema longibarbis (porthole catfish). Would be ideal for the tank that would also be easily accessible?
I would like to ask your thoughts on what you think on this kind of setup?
1 Gold Severum (Already have)
9 Tiger Barbs or at least 6 Roseline Barbs ( I am good with the tiger barbs or Roseline Barbs staying in the 55 if not an option with this setup)
6 Cupid Cichlids
1 Acara
1 Firemouth Cichlid (Just got today)
6 Dianema longibarbis (porthole catfish)
1 Synodontis Zebra catfish
1 Synodontis eupterus
I am not apposed to having the Lemon tetras. It was thought as since I have schooling fish already, if I could add them.
I really appreciate the setup idea. I really think I could go for it aside from some alterations.
The thing is with Tiger Barbs is when they nip they can do a lot of damage. In large cichlids like Severums their fins are quite elaborate for the size of fish and can tear quite easily leaving them prone to disease. I think the Roseline Barbs could work and they would benefit from the bigger tank but they do require slightly cooler water than the rest of the fish.
I think with the Cupids and the Firemouth/ Acara situation would not work too well, so I would probably revise the stocking somewhat. The Cupids though small are still cichlids and need a certain amount of space in a tank and Im not sure they would be able to stand up to a central american like the Firemouth.
With the Catfish I think the Synos could eat small Cupids so its tough to decide on that but a smaller species like the Nigriventis could work as a small group. I think the Portholes could be slightly too squishy to stand up to the Firemouths but have you considered Brochis Catfish? They are a chunkier shape and taller but also are more heavily armoured than the Portholes.
Wills :)
I lost my first Severum a year ago he was about 6 years old. My Uaru stressed him out to the point of death. I should have gotten rid of that fish a long time ago. I am now growing out 2 awesome little severum. One green. She is deformed missing a gill plate and looks silly. I just got a Red Severum baby. Both are mellow laid back. I pick the most submissive runts of the bunch.
This is my reject fish I got her when she was the size of a dime. So Small I could hardly see how bad the gill was. Now She looks like this 3 inches. I did not think she would make it. I am not 100% sure on the sex. 
Her good side.

Her bad side. 

My newest I am so excited to watch this guy grow. He was getting beat up by a more aggressive Red Severum at the store. These 2 are getting along really well and I growing out in my angel tank. 

I love this fish. They are a must have for me. 
I would like to add that angelfish make good tank mates for severum. Keeping any small fish is just going to get eaten the bigger they get. I think Pictus cats make good take mates. They are hardy and strong. 
Keyhole cichlids blue acara would be good take mates but with the fire mouth it will limit you. 
Wills said:
The thing is with Tiger Barbs is when they nip they can do a lot of damage. In large cichlids like Severums their fins are quite elaborate for the size of fish and can tear quite easily leaving them prone to disease. I think the Roseline Barbs could work and they would benefit from the bigger tank but they do require slightly cooler water than the rest of the fish.
I think with the Cupids and the Firemouth/ Acara situation would not work too well, so I would probably revise the stocking somewhat. The Cupids though small are still cichlids and need a certain amount of space in a tank and Im not sure they would be able to stand up to a central american like the Firemouth.
With the Catfish I think the Synos could eat small Cupids so its tough to decide on that but a smaller species like the Nigriventis could work as a small group. I think the Portholes could be slightly too squishy to stand up to the Firemouths but have you considered Brochis Catfish? They are a chunkier shape and taller but also are more heavily armoured than the Portholes.
Man... I was really hoping the Firemouth would be ok in the 75gal... Probably should have waited instead of buying him/her... So what would be my option now? Other than taking it back? I will if I have to but would like to avoid stress to the fish as well. Would keeping the Firemouth in the 55 be an option?  Would I need to have less of the Cupid Cichlids or just take them out of the equation completely?  If I need to leave the Cupids out, what would be a good choice in their stead?
Brochis Catfish? Would that be considered the Emerald Catfish? If so, I would definitely love to keep them!
I apologize for all of the questions. Just want to make sure having the fish I want but have them all happy being where they are at. So if I sound like I am ignoring what anyone says, I apologize. I would rather ask the questions needed rather than not ask and set myself up for failure.
Snowflake311- Seems like the Green Severum is pretty happy considering the issue at hand! Both are gorgeous! I have considered Angels and still have debated on and off about having one...

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