Severly Bloated Betta, Please Help!


Fish Crazy
Apr 11, 2013
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Hey folks, just posting a topic here to see if anyone has any ideas for me?
One of our Bettas, Kishi, is severly bloated - which I suspect is from over-feeding. He's quite lethargic, and is spending most of his time just resting on either the gravel or on leaves.
He isn't showing any signs of swim bladder (Thank god.)
This was taken yesterday, when I first noticed him. He's not mine, so I dont tend to keep an eye on him.

So he was bloated, but his scales were fairly normal. However his colour has gone a white/cream/grey sort of colour where the bloating is.
I've taken the next two just now.

A view from above. To show the size of him, and his pineconed scales.

A view from behind to show size of bloating.
What I have done so far:
Yesterday, when I noticed, I fed him pea's to see if the bloating would go down. He was also starved that day. Today, he's been starved of any food again asides from part of a pea.
For attempt two, I've added some anti-bacterial medicine into the tank. Although he doesnt show any signs of swim bladder, he has been tipping occasionally. Whether thats to rest, or actually a physical problem I dont know.
So I really need some advice. I know epsom salt would help, but would need to get my hands on some first.
Is there anything else I can do?
64 Litre.
Shares the tank with Neon Tetras, Ember Tetras and Pearl Danios, and a BNP.
Looks like dropsy, my betta looked like that and then sadly passed :( I don't know if you can do anything for him though, maybe someone else has more experience with this.
I don't believe it's dropsy because of the shape of the bloating. Dropsy tends to 'droop' below the body, whereas this Betta is just round o:
Not sure, as haven't had any experience with dropsy before, so may be wrong there.
I'm afraid that looks very much like dropsy. At that stage there's very little that can be done.

The advanced symptoms means there's already organ damage, sorry!
Sorry, it is dropsy.. usually at this stage it will pass away. I have gone through treatments various methods myself over the years, the end result was death. The organs fail once they are pine-coned. I believe dropsy is due to bad water quality and diet at least it is what I understood from reading articles online and from chat rooms.
Thanks for the comments
After some advice, I am going to treat with epsom salt and hope for improvement. Futile, maybe, but worth a shot.
Will update again tomorrow with any news.
We've got some improvement! After the epsom salts, I believe the swelling has now lessened, so fingers are still crossed! He's possibly got a spot of mouth fungus though, not entirely sure.
Unfortunatly he passed away this morning

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