Severe Fin rot, HELP almost dying

Hi Camillemj :)

I'm sorry to hear that your fish died. :byebye:

But I'm glad to learn that you will be staying with the forum. We will help you all we can.

The trouble is not just that you have too many fish in that little tank, but the wrong kind. The danios really need room because they are fast swimmers, and tiger barbs can be fin nippers. Both need room to grow and will become stunted if they do not have it.

If your other fish are still healthy, perhaps it might be a good idea to see if you can return them to the lfs (local fish store) in trade for some that are more suitable to your little tank. There are some tiny fish that will do well in your tank. A few African Dwarf Frogs, which are totally aquatic, are another popular possibility you might want to consider.

As a student, do you live in a dorm where you will have to move your tank home during breaks? This will also influence what you keep. :D
Thanks Inchworm for clarifing the fish thing, I quite get it. So I need a different kind....Oh but I love my barbs, and the danios too. They chase eachother, and I havn't noticed any fin niping. They have been eating and acting normal during this whole ordeal. I presume they are healthy.

No afence to anyone, but I really don't care for bettas, which I am getting the feeling would be best suited to my tank size. It is going to be really hard saying good bye to my tigers.

Here at college, a friend is going to watch my fish during spring break, and Yes I will have to move them home for summer break. That is why the small aquarium size. So taking all that into concideration what do/can I put in my tank. I so love having fish, it is so relaxing to come back from class and watch them.

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