Hi thanks for your input though you don't raise anything I'm too concerned about.
1. My tap water is chlorine/chloramine free so I do not need to dechlorinate the water. There are trace amounts of fluorine but nothing enough to cause a danger. If feasible I might jam some filter carbon in the hose.
2. Will be connected directly to water mains so no pumps to fail. As it will be an overflow system, if the water drops a fair few inches it will cut the siphon. Though if the plan I have currently got works, I will not need a siphon.
Not really after something to clean, just to keep water fresh and ease the stress on the fish. I do have a bucket-less gravel vac and will have some mussels soon, though my tank keeps itself mostly clean at the moment, just some occasional poop.
1. My tap water is chlorine/chloramine free so I do not need to dechlorinate the water. There are trace amounts of fluorine but nothing enough to cause a danger. If feasible I might jam some filter carbon in the hose.
2. Will be connected directly to water mains so no pumps to fail. As it will be an overflow system, if the water drops a fair few inches it will cut the siphon. Though if the plan I have currently got works, I will not need a siphon.
Gave up eventually, as got a water softener, rendering the hot water
unusable for fish and also doesn't actually clean the tank. All the
dirt and crud still collected at the bottom of the tank, requiring
hovering up.
Not really after something to clean, just to keep water fresh and ease the stress on the fish. I do have a bucket-less gravel vac and will have some mussels soon, though my tank keeps itself mostly clean at the moment, just some occasional poop.