Setting Up New Shrimp Tank

You probably can had the shrimp, but still keep testing the water, even though shrimp have a small bioload, them plus any food you give them could easily lead to an ammonia spike.
Hi everyone, just to let you know i added the shrimp to the new tank and had no problems thus far. Had no deaths or nitrite or ammonia spikes either. Just a quick question, I have a bamboo shrimp in the other fish tank, however the new shrimp only tank has a faster heavier filter and i feel he would be happier in the newer tank. Should i move him over or will my nano shrimp be at risk? Thanks
I honestly dont know much about bamboo shrimp. However they ste filter feeders and would be appreciative of a stronger current. I also don't believe your nano shrimp would be at risk from him. One thing though. Have you covered the inlet to your filter. As any baby shrimp are at risk of being sucked in. Some fine mesh or an old pair of tights are ideal for this.
I know I'm a bit late on this one, but, I'm setting up a shrimp only tank of my own (in my office, 'cause I get bored!)
I'm definitely going for a sponge filter rather than an internal/external media filled filter. If you are using one of these filter types, you really must make sure any intake sections are covered over as even small adult shrimp will get in there and you may never see them again.
I'm using a shrimp-specific substrate as well, Ebi Gold Soil. This isn't essential I don't think, but, it has been designed to buffer the ph between 6 - 6.5, which is a nice range for most types of shrimp. It also (is supposed to) keep the water nice and clear, too - which I like the sound of. 
You've already got quite a mixture of shrimp some of which can tolerate different temp ranges, but, I'd suggest a temp somewhere 19 - 23deg. When you say nano shrimp, do you just mean juvenile shrimp or is that a separate species? I have amano shrimp currently living with some Fire Reds, Black Crystals and Pure Redlines and the amano have never shown a single bit of interest in any of them...they don't even bother with their own molts.
nano shrimp is just a descriptive for shrimp smaller than amano sized shrimp ie cherrys and crystal reds. I personally had trouble getting my cherrys to breed whilst kept with amanos. after I split them up I had baby shrimps within a month.

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