Thanks for the positive comments. The rock does indeed touch the glass in certain parts, however there is room for me to clean most of the glass. I do not expect this to be a problem, but I will find out in time.
I am looking into a refractometer. Fortunately, my readings have been consistant with the hydrometer lately. The upgrade will more than likely happen eventually.
So... some updates on my progress.
I have added 2 damsels to my tank, a Pink Smith and a Yellow-tail. There has a been a little agression between the two, but in another week and a half they will be going back to my lfs.
I have also added more inverts.
Current list:
12 Astrea Snails
5 Nassarius Snails
2 Mexican Turbo Snails
12 Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
I might take some more pics soon. All levels are testing out great and I have encountered no losses so far. (knock on wood)
I have posted an idea about a school of Catalina Gobies in the SW Fish section, check that out please.
All comments welcome.