setting up my first tropical tank yippee

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The worst thing is trying to get a job because on application forms I have to put my health condition on it and lets just say a few hundred applications forms later not had a reply from any not even a rejection lettter.

But thats on of the things about britain some people when they find out that you have a mental illness they choose not to know you which in turn makes things worse.
Do you call and check back to the places you have applied? I dont know what its like in Britain but I have found persistence to the point of almost annoyance lets them know you really want the job. Plus a lot of times when you call and ask about your application they will pull it out to see if any notes have been made on it. When they put it back its ends up on the top of the stack :).

I am sure it is no comparison but I have social anxiety, and was having horrible panic attacks at one time. The worst ever was in the middle of a job interview. The lady interviewing me freaked out cause I went so pale. I told her I was ok at the very worst I had been known to pass out, she ended the interview immediatly. Not sure what she was thinking but she hired me anyways.
when I next see my disability employment advisor i'll get him doing the chasing up (I hate phones). Plus if it is because of my illness he can but into action a disability descrimination case.
Do you have endlers there? You could do all male Endlers, would be some nice color, and would go well with the cories. I like Neons but they just seem so sensitive. I wouldnt mix sexes of any live bearers in a tank that small its just to easy to overrun with fry.
I might look into some cherry barbs, zebra danios, or serpae tetras as well if I were you
I have read that zebra danios are very active and need alot of room. Don't know about the barbs or serpae tetras ?

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