setting up my 47 and preparing for a betta

Anonymous Fox

Fish Addict
Mar 27, 2021
Reaction score
Venus (I move a lot)
before I start, I just want to say thank you so much, everyone, on TFF for helping me improve my care, giving so much care I can walk Into my LFS and name all of the fish without looking at the labels, name everything wrong about someone's care, and being kind and helpful, all in the 3-4 months I've been on TFF, if it weren't for you guys I would still have the wrong water conditions, think smaller tanks were ok, and belive in the 'one inch of fish=one gallon of water' rule.

oooooook, I set up my 47-gallon tank last night/yesterday! :D^_^ my tetras are in it and got used to it very fast, but aren't used to having to swim so high up to eat. i used mostly the same stuff, the only other decor I added was a pvc pipe, that the bullied silvertip LOVES hiding in, and a terracoda pot my dad made a good point that rn its like there in the ocean, like what the heck are we gonna do with all this space lol, I think there as happy as heck, all that space to them self's. on tuesday im getting more fish, (15 glowlight tetras, 15 bloodfin, and 10 silvertip, thank you for helping with the stocking, guppybreeder, sorry for changing it sligtly) and more live plants off of

i cleaned the 10 gallon and started setting it up for a betta, sand, pot hide, pvc pipe, ect. and am getting a betta on tuesday, too :D

sharing pics tommorrow! sorry no pics rn :)
hehe, you can see my shadow

one of the bloodfins, Killer, bc he/she starts fights
2021-05-29 (1).jpeg

I put water in the 10 gallon and it is running, all I need now is some plants and a betta!
Ooohh ok, 15 blood find tetras, 15 Silvertip, 10 glow light tetra and a few mystery snails :) (in total)
cool, how many mysteries?
i think some blues and ivories and some mutts (multicolored i think) will do good here, since the gold one is kind of unnoticeable in the tank (its kind of yellow)
cool, how many mysteries?
i think some blues and ivories and some mutts (multicolored i think) will do good here, since the gold one is kind of unnoticeable in the tank (its kind of yellow)
I will probably get 6, 5 in the 47, 1 in the 10 (betta tank)
Hmm, last time i went to my LPS they only had gold... I'll look, though, ty!

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