Setting up fry tank


Go Hawks!
Mar 19, 2004
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Yesterday I bought a 2.5g hex w/light,crappy UGF for $19.99 and a 25w heater. After getting home, I wasnt happy with my purchase. So I just returned both and bought a 10g glass w/light and 50w heater( tank was 24.99 and heater upgrade was $2.00 more). I have an Eheim 2040 HOB that I have been running in an established tank since last night. I dont plan on using any substrate. I will add some fake plants and rocks from established tanks. I will also add cycle.

Can I add my burst-any-minute guppy in it as soon as temp stabilizes? Do u think she will abort being thrown in a noncycled tank?

If u think it is OK, then what % of water from an established wouldyou recommend?

Thank you :)
If she is ready to burst-any-minute then any stress could cause her to abort. I have done exactly what you are proposing with a female platy a number of years ago and all went well. I have also recently seen a female platy abort from being pestered by a male. That being said to put her and the fry in an uncycled tank may spell disaster for all. I would be very careful and try to leave her as long as possible or even put her in a breeding net in the current tank and wait until the new tank cycles and then move the fry to the new tank as long as the parameters are fairly close. HTH :)
I'd get a snail or something to start cycling your tank. Thats what i did with my 10 gallon, although I do have gravel on the bottom and live plants in it. Works very well for a fry tank. Have a bunch of 1" long mollies now. Didn't loose 1 since birth.

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