Setting up a tank for rams

Captain Canuck

Fish Crazy
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
I want to set up a South American tank in my office and wanted the centre piece to be some type of Ram ( :fish: it will depend what my LFS has in stock). I am planning on a planted, 33 gallon tank with a sand substrate.
Here are my questions:
1. How many pairs of rams could be housed in the tank?

2. Should the pairs be one male to one female, or could I have one male and several females?

3. Would the rams be happy living with 8 glowlight tetras and a small shoal of corys?

Thanks, :thumbs:
I would really like an answer as I have a chance to buy a used 33 gallon, complete with stand, gravel, and everthing else for a REALLY good price, but it has to be done this weekend.
you could put about 6-7 rams in your tank and try to get bolivia rams they are very nice and coluopr ful put 2 females per male ram
Thanks, but would I still be able to stock my tetras and cories with that many rams? I thought rams needed a fair bit of room, if they don't then that is all the better for me. :D
Captain Canuck said:
Thanks, but would I still be able to stock my tetras and cories with that many rams? I thought rams needed a fair bit of room, if they don't then that is all the better for me. :D
Get three rams, and then all the tetras, or get one ram and more tetras!!!
(cories aswell)
the rams prefer tanks with tetras in it :)

if the tetras are happy, the rams know they are safe, if the tetras arn't happy, the rams know there could be danger lurking...

rams from pairs, so the ratio dosn't matter really

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