Setting Up A New Tank


Nov 9, 2010
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I am waiting for the new tank and equipment (filter, test kit, ammonia etc) to arrive!

I will start a new topic when i start the cycling method (fishless cycle, probably add daily method) but would like some help before hand.

I have an existing 45 litre tank which is getting overstocked due to the breeding mollies so will be getting a new internal filter to support/replace the existing one.
Apart from the fish, what can i use from the existing tank to help the new tank? The existing tank has gravel and a small spone filter. How can i transfer the useful bacteria to the new tank as the sponge is not compatible with the new tanks filter? should i use some of the water or gravel from the existing tank?

I intend to use an Eheim canister filter on the new tank. Apart from the sponge prefilter there are four trays for filter media. It is recommended that the bottom one is filled with media for mechanical filtration and the other three with substrate for biological filtration. As i intend to do a fishless cycle, do i need to put in the mechanical media as there will be particle waste from any fish? or is it best to have it in as this media will still house beneficial bacteria?


You can use gravel from the existing tank to help seed the new one. If you not squeemish about cutting your sponge up i would cut 1/3 off and replace the missing bit with a new bit of sponge and then put the piece of sponge in the middle media basket in your ehiem.

Set your eheim up as you intend it to run when you have fish in the tank as you don't want to be switching media after finishing a cycle as you will be removing and killing some of the beneficial bacteria doing it.

If you do cut a piece off the sponge make sure to watch the ammonia/nitrite levels in the old tank if you think that it may already be over stocked.
You can use gravel from the existing tank to help seed the new one. If you not squeemish about cutting your sponge up i would cut 1/3 off and replace the missing bit with a new bit of sponge and then put the piece of sponge in the middle media basket in your ehiem.

Set your eheim up as you intend it to run when you have fish in the tank as you don't want to be switching media after finishing a cycle as you will be removing and killing some of the beneficial bacteria doing it.

If you do cut a piece off the sponge make sure to watch the ammonia/nitrite levels in the old tank if you think that it may already be over stocked.

I had an Ehiem & was recomended that I put the mature media in the top basket as this is the first to be filtered so should seed all the rest after it.
Thanks guys.

Uriel - will be sourcing a new sponge now.

Aqua Tom - the filter is an Eheim 2078. Looking at the info, the water enters the media baskets from the bottom into the mech media before going up into the bio media baskets. So probably a different configuration to your Eheim.


Thanks guys.

Uriel - will be sourcing a new sponge now.

Aqua Tom - the filter is an Eheim 2078. Looking at the info, the water enters the media baskets from the bottom into the mech media before going up into the bio media baskets. So probably a different configuration to your Eheim.



Cool, so the mature media needs to go into the bottom tray so it seeds everything else in the filter.
Cheers folks.
Bad weather is hampering deliveries so still waiting........................................................................................................................waiting......................................................................................................................waiting...
....................................................waiting for some equipment to arrive................................................................................waiting..........................................................................
Cheers folks.
Bad weather is hampering deliveries so still waiting........................................................................................................................waiting......................................................................................................................waiting...
....................................................waiting for some equipment to arrive................................................................................waiting..........................................................................

Hopefully the media you are throwing in there will help jumpstart you as you will be waiting.....waiting..............waiting too during your cycle!!!
Managed to hook up the new filter to some water to make sure it works. It does! Thought about connecting it to a 45 L tank but it would have blown everything out of the tank!:rofl:

Bought first piece of bog wood!:yahoo:
Gonna soak it; found a big tub but it will probably freeze solid if i leave outside. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Yeah i had to defrost a piece of my bogwood to get it in my tank today. I don't think i've ever cursed an inanimate object so much before in my life. Slightly to big to go in my tank, crushing my plants you name it, it did it.
OM47 - soothing words of reason!:D
Its the tank that hasnt arrived yet.
Was worried about the filter. It had been packed really well but the box had been handled really badly by our postal system. Looked like it had been involved in a throwing competition. All the filter media had come out of its boxs as well.

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