Setting Up A Marine Tank

I use both coral sand and crushed coral, although i dont think ot makes a difference. Depends on what you want to keep.
Crushed coral is more made up of small shells and fragments of coral whereas coral sand is just fine grains of sand (amazing facts there) :)

I use a mix as I find live rock on sand looks too defined whereas live rock on crushed coral looks more natural, the added coral sand is to give inverts/fish something to play with
I was going to start one for my Juwel Trigon 190 project but it's at a standstill at the moment due to an upcoming operation then going away for Christmas so I'll leave mine until I actually start putting water in it :)
Tank volume = 180 litres
Target turnover = 6000lph (just over x30)

Deduct any flow you already have (sump return, externals, etc.) and that's what you are aiming for with the powerheads. Personally I would go with a minimum of two powerheads as this will give more flow patterns and the possibility of adding a wavemaker at a later date. Bear in mind you're trying to mimic the sea which has changing flow patterns not a uniform one so one large powerhead will limit your possibilities.
Tank volume = 180 litres
Target turnover = 6000lph (just over x30)

Deduct any flow you already have (sump return, externals, etc.) and that's what you are aiming for with the powerheads. Personally I would go with a minimum of two powerheads as this will give more flow patterns and the possibility of adding a wavemaker at a later date. Bear in mind you're trying to mimic the sea which has changing flow patterns not a uniform one so one large powerhead will limit your possibilities.

For example (you need 5000lph):

Option 1)
2 x 5000lph powerheads on basic timers to mimic tidal flow (6hr intervals)

Option 2)
2 x 2500lph powerheads on a wavemaker to mimic swell (1 - 5min intervals)
Tank 260 litres would be looking for approx 7800... minus the sump return which im sure is 2600.

Leaving 5200lph ish, split between 2 power head wave makers?? or would i be better going higher
Always err on the side of caution with return pump flows as head height, length of pipe, etc. can reduce that so I'd look at:

Target - 8000lph
Return Pump - 2000lph
Powerheads - 2 x 3000lph/3 x 2000lph/4 x 1500lph

There's no reason you can't get more powerful powerheads as you will never get close to creating the amount of current in the sea and if you find there's too much you can direct the flow to diffuse it or reduce the output.

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