Setting Up A 55 Gallon Tank

Where would I find pool filter sand??

Also has anyone used sand with goldfish, if so what do you think?

O yeah also can i keep reusing the same sand or when would i need to replace it?

P.S. Thanks for all the advice so far!!!
Usually any do it yourself place, if they have pool supplies and chemicals they should have sand (#20 silica sand). Pool places have them to. Id grab 10 bags for ya but I havent worked with pools for 3 years now.

At one point I did sand with a snapping turtle and 1 goldfish

You can use the sand over and over, unless you suck some out when you gravel vac like I do with my very fine gravel, then just replace some.... all this talk about sand makes me want to change mine out.. Please stop!
Yep play sand is good, although i don't know if pool sand is ok.
Although more expensive, you should be able to get fine silica sand from your lfs as well, its good as it comes in a wide range of colours from pure white, jet black, royal blue, jade green, mustard yellow etc etc- i myself have fine white silica sand in all of my tanks and it looks great :thumbs: .

Edit: here's a guide to different types of sand for aquariums;
I was thinking about using an Emperor 400 power filter. What do you all think would be a good filter choice?
I myself have a Cascade 1000 canister

Appears the Emperor 400 is good for up to 80gallon, will filter your 55gal over 7 times in a hour. To me personally its good.
Thanks! Anyone else have any ideas, comment on suggestions as to a good filter size or a filter size they have on a 55 gallon tank??
Whatever filter/s you go for in the end, i'd advise over-filtering the tank a bit as goldfish produce a lot of waste and enjoying the having the extra filtration. Sometimes its better to have two or more filters, one situated at each end, to help improve the cleaning abilities of the sponges :thumbs: .
When I go 250gal im gonna use a 1hp pool pump :good:
If I use only 40 feet of pipe it will flow 3,480GPH or just under 14 times a hour the entire tank will be filtered hehe

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