Setting Up A 29 Gallon Fowlr For Now

i've just started using rowaphos.

I have a fluval 305.

Use as much rowaphos as you need to fill a section of the cannister filter.

If you read a lot or rowa related posts on here you will see the emphasis is on rowa overkill.

When i have mine fully sorted it will have 2 compartments each of rowa, purigen and carbon.
Having used the TLF Phosban Reactor 150 recently, I must say I love it. Really simple, works fantastically and really fluidizes the media for the most effectiveness possible.
Nice stand, and it would be easy to make it into a cabinet
Thanks, it will kind of be like a cabinet, but not really. I'll have 2 doors. one on the left and one on the right. The center on the bottom will be open because that's where my 29 gallon will sit.

Another question:

Would I be able to use window tinting to put on as an exterior background? I'm hesitant on painting it b/c that seems so permanent.

Or will I be able to get an aquarium type film background that sticks on fairly easily?

I'm also looking at getting an r/o unit now since I'll need one eventually anyway(when I set up the 120 gallon). Would I be able to hook up to the sink for an overnight collection or something like that? I know they do about half of the gallons as what they are quoted as doing. Then I could store it downstairs. I'm not keen on messing w/the plumbing downstairs. What's a good price for a 50gpd unit? The marine biologist told me to make sure that the one I get has Catalyitic Carbon to take out chloramines. True? or not?
Plumb the RO unit to the washing machine tap and use both using a "Y" connector and a RO pipe sized connector. See pics of small unit from my thread and connectors.
Since purchased a much larger unit and run my stock water into a rainwater butt and the waste goes down the washing machine drain.





Wow! That looks like a good idea. We're also looking at getting a stackable washer and dryer so I might even be able to save my r/o water on the main floor(where the laundry is).

I'll talk to my hubby.
You can also do the same thing if you have a washbasin in the basement KJ. The threads on the faucet of most wash basins are all 3/4" garden hose type fittings. Very easy to tap into. And may I also suggest getting a water timer or sprinkler timer. That way you can head downstairs, set the timer for however long you want the RO unit to run, and then walk away. The timer shuts off the RO unit :)
We don't have any wash basins or anything in the basement actually. We could probably put one in. It's an unfinished basement except for a non-legal bedroom(storage room atm) and my hubby's gun room.
Another question:

Would I be able to use window tinting to put on as an exterior background? I'm hesitant on painting it b/c that seems so permanent.

Or will I be able to get an aquarium type film background that sticks on fairly easily?

Do I need make sure that the one (r/o unit) I get has Catalyitic Carbon to take out chloramines. Or will any carbon take out chloramines?
2 questions I still have that were posted earlier. Anyone know or have an idea?
As far as difference backgrounds go...window tinting would probably work fine but would still be somewhat transparent and more expensive than other thing I tried was going to a local vinyl graphics / sign store and just buying a roll of black vinyl for window decals. He actually gave it to me for free. My tank was at an awkward angle and only had about 3" from the wall to work in so it looked kind of crummy once I got it rolled on with all the air bubbles...if I had more room it wouldve been perfect. I peeled it off and just used regular house paint and applied two coats to the back of the aquarium and it has held up perfectly. Since the paint is not made for glass it would very easily come off with water and a razor but it's been a year or so and not one spot has started to peel or come off. House paint is what I recommend as long as that part of the tank will be staying dry. Of course glass paint would be better if you're looking for something permanent. As far as stick-on backdrops and vinyl go...theyre a bit more trouble for me so if you have the skill to lay it on there and get the bubbles out then give it a try.
Catalyitic Carbon is a high end fine carbon which could turn out to be quite expensive.
The Carbon filter module that comes with the RO you buy will remove a certain amount of Chloramine if you bolt another module on to that then this would give you a little more peace of mind but IMHO it really isnt necessary.
How about if I just add a small dose of water treatment conditioner after it goes through the r/o? Well maybe I shouldn't get so paranoid, huh!?! I don't plan on having corals for awhile anyway.

Would I be able to have a wrasse in the 29 gallon....(tank size is 30"L x 12" W)say:

McCosker's Flasher Wrasse, (Paracheilinus mccoskeri)
Filamented Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus filamentosus)


Six Line Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia)

I wanted a different kind, but can't have it as it's recommended that one have a minimum tank of 50 gallons. I can't remember the name....
I found it again: Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus solorensis) Very very stunning indeed. And not as expensive as some that are this colorful.

I'm going to eventually get a skimmer too. Then I can have a tid bit more fish. I'd like 4, starting off w/the clown and yellow watchman goby. Then move on to a wrasse or something maybe.
Well maybe I shouldn't get so paranoid
Yeah I do think your going to extreme a little. I just use the one that came with the RO unit and everything in my tanks fine thus far.
There will be other issues (you'll see) when you get going, without worrying your head about that aspect.

How about this, it looks the ticket
Not sure about compatability issues with other tankmates though

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