Setting Up A 125 Gallon Malawi W/pics-going To 75 Usg Now

I just put my two heaters in and a powerhead. I put up the digital thermometer too(my water was at 66 degrees F). I've been reading to aim the powerhead at the surface to aid in areation(sp) and that's what I did. It's a Maxi Jet PH that's says 295 gallons per hour (or 1100 liters per hour). Is that OK? I had to put the output hood guide thing on upside down..LOL. It only aimed down so if I put it upside down it aims it at the surface. It bubbles up the water pretty good right where it's aimed at. Probably kicks it up about an inch or so off the top of the water. Is that what I want? I can adjust that if I need to! I've NEVER had a power head before(never really needed one).

About the eheim....I did find some replacement seals on the internet, but am waiting for my bro in-law to call and come over to check things over first.

i'm thinking that in the future I'll add some more filtration also.
Is it the O-ring thats broke ? Dryed out or something ?
I'm going to order some and some additional black rubber seals that go on the media baskets. I got the filters second hand and for a really awesome price so replacing a couple things isn't too bad!
:blink: I was shocked. I went to someone's house and saw they had a 29 gallon aquarium. She proceeded to tell me about how she got it and I noticed there was a single Melanochromis auratus in there along w/2-3 other "powder blue" type cichlids. They also had about 5 goldfish in there :crazy: ! I told her what species the auratus was and that it may attack and kill some of the others, especially in such a small aquarium where it couldn't really claim any space. She said it'd be alright b/c it hasn't killed any others yet. Keep in mind that it's only about 1.5" long. I told her how I'd been reading all about african cichlids for about the last 3 months and that I'm putting together a 125 gallon tank for them and in my opinion that combination would probably not work once the cichlids start maturing.(of course it won't work, but i wasn't that blunt with her) She probably won't change it and who knows what she's feeding them and if they'll make it that long! :no:

Everything is still the same in the 29 gallon. We are just waiting for the o ring to see if that's all the 2nd filter needs. As soon as it's up and running we'll move the fish. The fish with the chunk taken out of him is still alive so far.
Sorry about the little bit of bad luck, but it will all be great once it's finished! o-rings came in today! That's exactly what the prob. was. We switched them out and from the first try to put the head on we haven't had any prob!!! :cool: :yahoo:

I plan on putting the fish and the two other filters over into the 125 tongiht! I'll take pics and put them on. It's not 100% how I wanted it, but it works for now. I plan on finding some larger chunks of black slate and eventually rearranging the rocks! I want to hide the heaters and the green filter tubes with them also.

My blue background came in too! That's on now as well!

I hope I can catch my fish in my 29 without having to remove too many rocks! I'm going to leave my injured one in there to hopefully recover. Who knows. He was looking kinda skinny so I gave them all some extra food last night. Of course they quickly gobbled it up. He doesn't come out from "his space" in the rocks hardly at all. I think that's why he's getting skinny! He'll be able to eat just fine when the others aren't there!
Here's a new question...I've always had an air bubbler thing in my tanks and am wondering if I still need one in my 125 gallon? I have my two filters aiming at the surface for agitation, like I've read, and one powerhead stirring it up in the middle at the top of the tank. Is that enough or do I need a bubbler....O I also put the sponge filter in, I guess there kind of is a bubbler in there :blush: What do you guys/gals think?

I guess I just "feel like" I should have one, since I always have :lol:!
Air stones etc are only effective when they agitate the water's surface - they don't actually release oxygen into the water as the bubbles travels too fast and dissipate at the surface. IMO they are purely aesthetic, if you want one - go for it but you certainly don't need one.

Plenty of surface agitation however is essential. :good:
Air stones etc are only effective when they agitate the water's surface - they don't actually release oxygen into the water as the bubbles travels too fast and dissipate at the surface. IMO they are purely aesthetic, if you want one - go for it but you certainly don't need one.

Plenty of surface agitation however is essential. :good:
Thank you, Ferris!! I don't think I'll put one in. I'm leaving the sponge filter in just in case I need another tank for some reason. Then I'll have something easily movable and full of bacteria!!

I moved the fish! It seems that they are comfortable. Swimming around, mostly staying by the rocks. They are swiming in shoals right now. They tend to fock together in two groups! Even with the other species! Weird.

My lights are totally cool! I bought them off ebay and although one was slightly broken and the end where the wires go wouldn't stay attached(b/c of the broken plastic peice) my hubby glued it on and it works for now! They are 2 30" Jalli Corp Top Aquarium Series strip lights! They came with 2 24watt white lights and 2 24 watt blue actinic lights. They are kinda cool!
Great to hear you were able to move them! They'll stick close together for a few days until they get used to their surrounding. I've found when frightend mine will flock together mixed species as well. It doesn't seem to matter if they're with their own species, just as long as their in groups. Safety in numbers, my mom always told me. :lol:

Looking forward to more pics. What species are you going to add next?
Great to hear you were able to move them!.....Looking forward to more pics. What species are you going to add next?
I have no idea what I'll add next, honestly. It'll depend on what I can find around me vs what I have to mail order! I have to scale back a little on cost now that I have it set up. It also depends on what the fish in the store look like. I'm really hoping to stick to my original list though! I'll get pics up tomorrow. I did take a couple tonight, but there's some water spots....I should've cleaned the glass before the pics! Well, I guess I'll put'em up anyway :blush:.
All 4 lights are on.
actinic lights are on.
2 white lights are on.
I think I'm going to wait on getting fish until I find larger peices of slate to add. Then I can rearrange and add fish at the same time. I'll probably only add 5 or so at a time so I don't overwhelm the biological filtration!
Ok, I've been monitoring the water and I'm getting a slight ammonia reading and some nitrite readings. Last night I changed 20 gallons of water and today I did about 35 gallons. I'm going to my local fish store to pick up some biospira. They said it's refridgerated and that they just got some more in so I'm in luck. I don't think any of the other pet stores carry it! We'll see. This is the FIRST time I've ever gotten any nitrite readings. I was beginning to wonder if my kit was screwed up with nitrite or what. I guess it isn't.
Well conditions must not be too terrible. :blush:
All of my fish are still very active and eating. Some have started swimming right up to and rubbing the rock and sometimes the sand! Not all the time, just once in awhile.
One of my c. afra's has claimed his territory and is building a nesting area! :hyper: It's cool. He picks up the sand in his mouth and then spits it out a short distance away!
I really cannot wait until they ge to their full size! It will truely be amazing! :drool:
Glad you got your filters fixed :good:

Great pics !! I bet they love all the nooks&crannys and what'not... It great watching them dig and stuff init, i love it.. i could watch it all day lol :lol:
Some have started swimming right up to and rubbing the rock and sometimes the sand!

Sounds like an irritation of some sort, probably because the tank hasn't gone through a full cycle yet. I would imagine you will get the odd mini-cycle as the tank and filters mature to cope with the bio-load. I would feed very sparingly and monitor readings daily.

One observation from your pics, what about putting the inlet pipes in the corners out of the way, and having the outflows in the top middle pointing to the front of the tank? You might like them like that of course or plan on putting something over them to hide them in which case ignore me!

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