Set-Up Questions


New Member
Jun 26, 2010
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So, as a child I used to keep a pair of goldfish in an un-filtered tank, until they died after about 5 years. Looking back, I'm extremely lucky that they lived that long, given the state the water must have been in, and how stressed they must have been when I dumped them in a bucket every week to clean them out! Unforgivable ignorance on my part, I suppose. I plan on doing things rather better this time, and want to get all of my information in a straight line before I start; especially since I plan to keep tropicals instead of cold-waters.

Firstly, on the subject of the tank itself. I have limited money available (starving student, here) but there's a pretty sturdy 21 litre tank that I can afford. But its sold as a cold-water tank, with all of the equipment that it comes with being geared towards cold-water fish. If I then bought a heater (presumably a 25W would do the job) would I then be able to use it for tropical fish? As far as I can tell, there's not much difference otherwise. Is there a difference between cold and tropical filters, for example?

Also, the fish. I had planned on getting a bunch of tetras, but having read the non-beginner-fish-post I guess that's not a good idea. Bearing in mind that I don't really want to end up with a tank full of baby fish, can you offer any suggestions? I've been looking at danios, which seem recommended - do they reproduce furiously, or should I be alright with them?

Many thanks!

danios would be too active for a 21L tank.

Some ideas could be:

a betta
harlequin rasboras
hengeli rasboras
dwarf gourami
honey gourami
african dwarf frogs
golden teddies
Pygmy cories

obviously not all of them, they are quite a few more, have a search on google etc for nano fish.

Have you read up about cycling the filter? I'd recommend doing a fishless cycle, it's so much easier and less work but the decision is yours to make.

All you would need to add is a heater to change tank from coldwater to tropical, filter would be fine, what filter is it by the way?

Welcome to our forum Alandra.
You will indeed be able to "convert" a cold water tank to a tropical by the simple expedient of adding a heater. I am a big enthusiast when it comes to small fish. My own stock includes Heterandria formosa which are very suitable to small tanks. Mine have a nice breeding colony set up in a 38 litre nominal volume tank. This is one of the males who is less than 2 cm in length.

Another nice small livebearer is the Xenophallus umbratilis, golden teddy. My present avatar is a male X umbratilis. He is only about 2.5 cm in length and looks like this.
The female X umbratilis looks like this female of mine. She is a bit larger than her male counterpart.

There are tons of non-livebearer equivalents for your consideration but I am a livebearer fanatic enthusiast.
We started with some white cloud minnows and then found some golden cloud minnows in our local LFS. Wish we could have got a mixture as they both look really nice and they are nice easy starter fish.

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