Well, it looks like the mystery coral will remain forever a mystery, because just as mysteriously as it appeared and lived, it has mysteriously disappeared
I came home today and had a package in the mail with the new heater, Joe's Juice, and a Calcium test kit..... so I was gonna go put in the new heater, kill the aiptasia, and test for calcium. First thing I looked at was my Xenia. It's looking GOOD! Almost all the polyps on it are opening and closing.... it's waving in the current... and it's regained most of the pink color it had in the store tank. Then, I lookedat the other one.... or at least where it used to be. No more beautiful red mushroom thingy
I had noticed yesterday the base looked small, but I thought that was normal. Apparently not, apparently it was weak. I looked all over the tank and even tore into the Fluval to see if it had ended up down in my filter..... nowhere to be found
RIP little coral
In other news, I have a more aptly sized heater in my tank now. I tested calcium and KH to see how that was doing, and it was way off. I was a 15dKH and somewhere around 240ppm on Calcium. The only thing I've dosed this tank with was a bit of B-Ionic to get it started off...... so I'm not understanding why the Alkalinity is so high and calcium is so low. I also tested my 20g tank at the same time.... levels were basically fine there. It was at 10dKH and around 360ppm Calcium. I didn't dose it with B-Ionic yesterday becauseI forgot to do it in the morning, and at night I always have to think "Wow, did I do that already today".
And, finally.... Joe's Juice WORKS! My god, I didn't know how fast it worked.... I thought you guys were exaggerating it. Squirt, melt... gone. BRILLIANT!