Pescado Guy
Fish Fanatic
Ok so a few days ago I bought 7 serpae tetras. I got three males three females and one small one that I think is a male but I'm not sure. Just out of curiosity I cheked on the internet for some breeding info and they seem to be relativly easy to breed. Are their any of you out there that have done this successfully? I am very interested in breeding them and I think it shouldn't be to hard. Thanks
Ok so a few days ago I bought 7 serpae tetras. I got three males three females and one small one that I think is a male but I'm not sure. Just out of curiosity I cheked on the internet for some breeding info and they seem to be relativly easy to breed. Are their any of you out there that have done this successfully? I am very interested in breeding them and I think it shouldn't be to hard. Thanks