Serpae Tetras

Iron Man

Fish Addict
Apr 9, 2005
Reaction score
Lexington, SC USA
I'm thinking of putting say 12 of these in the 55 gallon which is aleady housing 12 neon tetras. Will later add some platies and angelfish.

Will serpaes be a good schooling fish in this setting?
Nevermind I've already read they are fin nippers from more than one person whose had them so that's the last thing I want in my tank. :crazy:
I have never kept them but I do have Black Widows that are also ment to be fin-nippers but I have had no problems with them with Angels. The more you get the better really but there are probably better species of tetra out there for you. Cardinals look really nice as a group, as do Emperor's or even Silver-tips which are cheap and look great when they grow on to a good size.
Nevermind I've already read they are fin nippers from more than one person whose had them so that's the last thing I want in my tank. :crazy:

Good decision. :good: Serpaes and neons would be a disaster. Seen in before in a friend's tank.

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