Serpae Tetra -- Looking For Another Tetra With Similar Temperament

Pearl danios are around 6 cms and will definitively hold their own; they are so fast! Or what about barbs?

They're too skinny in body. The ABF's will swallow them up like there's no tomorrow. :p. They're eating 1/2 inch and 1" crickets with no hesitation.

What kind of barbs would be suitable to the tank size? (46 gallons) I'm not too familiar with barbs to be honest
Maybe it would narrow it down further if I said I wanted to avoid Reds and Silvers. I have a gorgeous white angel fish that I was expecting to have to rehome but who has adapted quite nicely to the tank. I dont think I could part with him now.

Colorful tetras? Do they exist?
Ornate Tetra is very colourful
If you want barbs, what about Rosy Barbs
What are ABF's? We have the same tank Channti, remember? And I have congo tetras... What about odessa barbs?

African Butteflyfish = ABF. They're eating 1/2" and 1" crickets without hesitation. Anything that isn't "wide bodied" will be swallowed up by the ABFs (like pearl danios).

The tank already has a school of Serpae Tetras (11). Thats why I was leaning toward a tetra species, but I'm open to barbs too. I still feel that Congos are too large. If the tank didnt have a Tetra school yet, I would have gone with them. I think there was also an issue with my water for Congos; aren't they very particular about pH or Hardness or something?. I know there was a reason I decided against them, but I can't remember now for the life of me though.
IMO Blue Emperor Tetras are your ideal fish ;)

Only if she can get mature fish.... These fish only get to 1.5 inch, so if she can only get smaller ones, the butterfly fish will make a snack of them....

Plus these fish can get timid when in a tank with larger fish. I don't think it is ideal. I would go for barbs...
IMO Blue Emperor Tetras are your ideal fish ;)

Only if she can get mature fish.... These fish only get to 1.5 inch, so if she can only get smaller ones, the butterfly fish will make a snack of them....

Plus these fish can get timid when in a tank with larger fish. I don't think it is ideal. I would go for barbs...

Oh yeah :unsure:
What about a group of mature Gold Barbs
So; I just saw this tank for the first time since the beginning of October.

My mother managed to kill -all- of my plants, and left the window by the tank open all the time so theres a massive brown-algae problem. Ive gotta basically start from scratch with my plants, so I doubt I'll be adding new fish any time soon.

Also, to complicate things, the Angel who had "adjusted well" to the tank is frequently attacking one of my ABFs. Therefore, I need to find some floating plants, pronto, and maybe rehome the Angel. It's all to-be-determined at this point. I've got half of the tank filled with fake plants, and a few live ones left, but right now, this tank needs some serious TLC. :(

I'm crushed. The tank looked pretty good when I left in October. But at least all my fish in there are still healthy.
I am sorry to hear that. I know how it feels; I have the same every time I come back from a business trip after a few weeks... Maybe a black out is in order.

Literally; all I went from....

-Hygrophila Polysperma
-Corkscrew Vals
-Water Sprite
-Cryptocoryne Spiralis
-Cryptocoryne Wendtii "Tropica"
-Cryptocoryne Wendtii "Red"
-Sagittaria Platyphylla

-Cryptocoryne wendtii, but most of the leaves are damaged
-Cryptocoryne Spiralis, but the leaves are all damaged, Hoping for some new growth
-1 corkscrew vallis (+ 10 new ones that I bought yesterday before i came home)
-some half-dead hygrophila polysperma that I'm probably going to have to trash
-3 amazon swords (that I bought yesterday)
All of my sag was dead leaves, but the roots still look healthy. I broke off the leaves, leaving stubs, hoping that I'll get SOME growth on them.

I just checked out James Algae Guide to ID my algae... it looks almost to be a cross of black-brush algae and brown algae. It's easily removed from plants, easily scrubbed off the driftwood, but its fuzzy-looking like the BBA. I'm not entirely sure what it is or how to get rid of it. It's slimy to touch on the plants, but fuzzy on the driftwood.
So; I just saw this tank for the first time since the beginning of October.

My mother managed to kill -all- of my plants, and left the window by the tank open all the time so theres a massive brown-algae problem. Ive gotta basically start from scratch with my plants, so I doubt I'll be adding new fish any time soon.

Also, to complicate things, the Angel who had "adjusted well" to the tank is frequently attacking one of my ABFs. Therefore, I need to find some floating plants, pronto, and maybe rehome the Angel. It's all to-be-determined at this point. I've got half of the tank filled with fake plants, and a few live ones left, but right now, this tank needs some serious TLC. :(

I'm crushed. The tank looked pretty good when I left in October. But at least all my fish in there are still healthy.
Im sorry for what happened.
In a month, Im sure it will be back upto scratch :p :)
I'm glad that the Sag and Crypts will recover. I'm starting to hijack my own thread, so I'm going to go make a new post in my planted tank journal (havent posted since August I think!).

I'm thinking that Gold Barbs will be the other school in this tank. They've got quite a bit of colour, and when I slap a black background on the tank, they'd really pop. It'll just be a while before i can add them. Right now the tank is a bit of a mess.... probably will be a few weeks before I even think about adding new fish.

Thanks for everything!! :)

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