Serpae Tetra -- Looking For Another Tetra With Similar Temperament


Feb 1, 2009
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What options do I have for tetras that have similar temperament to Serpae tetras?

What options do I have for tetras that have similar temperament to Serpae tetras?


Pretty much any tetra, especially ones in the same shape I've found.

So then; specifically, which ones have the same body shape?. I'd have to order through my LFS, as they dont stock much beyond the basics, and idk where to start in googling Tetras.
What options do I have for tetras that have similar temperament to Serpae tetras?


Pretty much any tetra, especially ones in the same shape I've found.

So then; specifically, which ones have the same body shape?. I'd have to order through my LFS, as they dont stock much beyond the basics, and idk where to start in googling Tetras.

Black Widows and Black Phantoms would be a possible starting point.
Also, X ray Tetra and perhaps Rosey Tetra.
Lemon Tetra
Bleeding Heart Tetra
Pristella Tetra
Red Phantom Tetra
Colombian Tetra...
Bleeding heart tetras are the same species as serpaes. Do you want tetras or a shoaling species? Otherwise you can give some nice danios too. I personally like the pearl danio. A very active and robust fish. Otherwise, what do you think of congo tetras? They are bigger than the serpaes, but very nice. I have them in my tank. Another option are the red eye tetras. I am not too fond of them in terms of colour, but they would suit your needs.
Basically, I'm looking for another shoaling species that will hold their own in the tank. My Serpaes are nippy, my loaches like to "explore" the other inhabitants of the tank (aka, feeling them with their barbels), and overall the tank is semi-aggressive. Danios are too small, as I need something that won't be eaten by my African Butterfly Fish.

Congo tetras are too large unfortunately. Due to space constrictions in the tank, the tank isn't really large enough for them, and I wouldn't have room for a decent-sized shoal.

I'm basically looking for something similar in temperament to a Serpae Tetra, that is around the same size, and that is a different colour.
Kitty Tetra
Flame Tetra
Ornate Tetra
Black Neon Tetra
Diamond Tetra
Beacon Tetra
Buenos Aires Tetra... :shifty:
Maybe it would narrow it down further if I said I wanted to avoid Reds and Silvers. I have a gorgeous white angel fish that I was expecting to have to rehome but who has adapted quite nicely to the tank. I dont think I could part with him now.

Colorful tetras? Do they exist?

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