Serious About Fishkeeping?


Chuck, Leader Of Ze People.
Nov 9, 2009
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Didn't know wether to post in the scientific section or not, thought best here.

I mean there's is being serious and being serious! Look at the price of it. A cool tool to have but c'mon?
Another thing I was astonished about was the fact that it measures up to 10,000 yes 10,000 ppm of Ammonium! (to put in perspective, an API ammonia kit measures just a ppm of 8) If I had 10,000 ammonium in a fish tank i'd be more worried about something stupid like the glass degrading!

This is Ammonium, does anyone know of an ammonia reader like this?

Thought some of you dudes would be interested!


The digital display gives you Ammonium concentration in ppm after a simple calibration procedure using the standard provided. The measurement range is much broader than chemical tests(5-10,000ppm) and there is no dependance on colour change. The probe can be placed directly in the tank.

Surely we need 0-5? Once it gets to five your really in trouble. We really need to know when it's above 0.25, so knowing 5-10,000 is useless.
Agreed Jonty. Bit pointless if it doesn't register until your fish are already dead!
I used something similar to this when testing the accuracy of API and salifert test kits, they're expensive bits of kit! Except the one I was using had a range of 0-5,000 ppm.
at least batteries are included.

Haha, I thought that :)


The digital display gives you Ammonium concentration in ppm after a simple calibration procedure using the standard provided. The measurement range is much broader than chemical tests(5-10,000ppm) and there is no dependance on colour change. The probe can be placed directly in the tank.

Surely we need 0-5? Once it gets to five your really in trouble. We really need to know when it's above 0.25, so knowing 5-10,000 is useless.

I also thought that, 10,000? Surely thats like pure ammonia/ammonium?

I highly doubt many of the public buy these, when you can buy a test kit for like under a tenner.


I wonder what you would have to do to create 10,000 ppm of ammonia/ammonium?
Put a dead horse in your fish tank or something?
Great, that makes sense to me :good:

So 10,000 is only 1/100 of ammonia/ammonium? wow.

Once a tank is matured it only needs testing once in a while, when things look a bit off or when new fish are introduced...I see anything costing that sort of amount absolutely pointless. To me it looks more like something to be used by water authorities when a quick mess-less test is required lots throughout the day.

Spend £6 on a Salifert Ammonia testing kit, money better spent
only people i can see buying that is zoo's Aquariums and LFS
5-10,000ppm? Well seeing as fish can start dying at 0.1ppm, yes this piece of equipment is completely useless for a fish keeper, aquatics store and zoo. Ive found JBLs test kits to be the most accurate.

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