Senegal Bichirs

Yep I'll be in 8-40 til 5!!

Unless I'm down at the burger van.

Mid morning is usually dead so should add some excitment to it!!
Nope he looks fine to me!!

After being realised into the tank they were all sound for quite a while then around 1 i was showing a couple the external filter on the tank and the blue acara had jumped out and was laying on the glass slider, then at about 3 me lovely senegal jumped out, luckily Simon was serving aorund there at the time so got him out from underneatha nd back in the tank, I then moved him to the arowana tank with no gaps for the last few hours, got him in my tank and just covered the corners up.

He's not that active at the moment, not too surprised with the excitment he had today.

Thanks very much Minions, very sorry it was a wasted journey for you though :(

Hope you had better luck at the other shops?
Update, was a bit concerned for him as hasn't moved since i put him in so have moved him to a tank(360 litre) in my bedroom where i can keep a closer eye on him.

He was really active in the tanks at work, I'ved also added a load of Strees coat, should I mela fix the tank aswell help his coating come back which he knocked off when on the floor?
Goodnes me! He's a feisty one isn't he, lol. I don't think he gave the lfs as much trouble as he did for you in one afternoon. :lol:

Sorry to hear he seems a bit quiet. All the excitement probably wore him out, I hope he didn't overdo things. -_-

Adding some melafix can't do any harm so I'd say go ahead. Nothing like tea-tree goodness to make you feel better!

Oh, don't worry about the trip - we stopped in at our local and grabbed some more dwarf puffers instead! My mum has "stolen" my originals and I missed them. They're really tiny and we've plonked them in a snail-infested tank heheh. :hey:
Lucky them, was a right litle bugger getitng himself all dirty!!

I'm alot happier now he just munched down on a cricket :) There was 1 leg left which the oscar came to get then the senegal took 1 look at him and snapped it up!!

The oscar had just had several 1 month old platty fry, fat litle thing!!

Just as i'm typing now he's started to move around properly, i love how they move there pectoral fins.

Don't think i'll need my melafix afterall :kana:

Hope you enjoy the jelly fish :lol:
Glad to hear he's perked up. Looks like he couldn't resist a yummy cricket. :D

lol, the jellyfish - yes, they look quite amusing in the community tank. The kribs were very curious and I was worried they might nibble bits off but they seem to have lost interest now. :hyper:
Just a little update for those of you who might be watching this thread and wondering what's been happening...
LadyMinion and I took the Senegal down to Paul today, but when we went to collect it from Rats Cats & Elephants they told us about three very large Appolo Sharks that they had taken in. These sharks were around 5 inches long which apparently is large for Appolos, and look something like a cross between an arowana and a bala shark.

Now LadyM and I have no room for them, and they're not our bag anyway, so we phoned Paul and offered them to him, after all, the LFS was giving them away free!.

So Paul said he was happy to have them and we took them down to him with the Senegal.

Unforunately, the Red-eye Puffers that Paul's store had turned out to be Target Puffers, so we didn't get them, but a big Senegal Bichir and three fricken HUGE Appolo Sharks got a good home, so the trip wasn't wasted.

On the way home, we bought some new Dwarf Puffers, as LadyMinion mentioned above. They've gone into the tank we were going to put the Red-eyes in which is Slug's old tank and is over run with snails as congo puffers are the only puffers that won't eat snails.
(The Chaca is now elsewhere and the water parameters are back to normal)

All the Dwarfs are looking very well fed now ;)

Busy day. :D

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