Senegal Bichirs


Sexy Martha Fahaka
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 14, 2004
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East coast of England.
On a visit yesterday to 'Rats, Cats & Elephants' in Ipswich (UK), we found these two beautiful seven inch Polys for sale at a knock-down price.

It seems that the store owner (Dave) had ordered some in exepecting them to be the usual three to four inch babies you find in most stores, but got these two instead.

We've seen them eat and they're bright eyed & active.

He's priced them at £9.99 each because he doesn't have the room for them and I really don't want them to go to an impulse buyer.

So, is there a TFFer from the East Anglia area who would like these little gems?




would love them!!!

Me and Chris (the guy with dread locks in the shop) are going up to swallows and a few other shops around but doubt we could go that far :(
paul_v_biker said:
would love them!!!

Me and Chris (the guy with dread locks in the shop) are going up to swallows and a few other shops around but doubt we could go that far :(
So when are you going to Swallow aquatics? We could meet you there and bring them with us!

BTW, swallow have some tiny ornates at the moment too. ;)

..and a baby red snakehead as well....
Wow, aren't they gorgeous!! :wub:
Awesome....would you really?? :D

We're going around the colchester shops this Tuesday. I'm not exactly sure when we will be in Swallows but if we arranged we shoulds beable to stick to it!!

We plan on winding the staff up a bit :whistle:

Looks like i might be spending a bit :unsure: my big tank is now aswell (water wise!!), apart from lighting but should be done in the next few days.

Oh yea our shop has 2 big brochis M.....'s can't rember the proper name but it's like a massive bronze cory!! also red eye puffers as a change from Green spotted's
Dwarfs said:
They look great! Is the neon gourami in this pick food? :p I can't wait until my senegals get that big :wub:
The gourami were in the tank for about twenty minutes before the senegals started chasing them, snapping like crocodiles, so Dave moved them. Can't have the stock eating eachother!

Paul! can't do Tuesday, I'm working. Wednesday would be ideal as I have the day off and was planning a trip to Colchester anyway. Can you delay for just a day?
...mind you, when LadyMinion sees that you have red-eys puffers, she may insist on a trip to your part of the world anyway...
*pipes in*

I want red eyes, gah dammit!

Paul - if you can make sure there's a couple of red eyes left for us on Wednesday we'll be there! Do you want us to bring both the senegals or just one?

Oh, and am I right in assuming the redeyes are T. lorteti?
Excellent :D

Yep there will be plenty left, I doubt many Clacton'ers will be ready to take one on :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure there the ones I matched them up to a picture of T. lorteti in a book we have, looking nice and plump!!

Oh what the hell I'll give both the litle darlings a nice big home!!
paul_v_biker said:
Excellent :D

Yep there will be plenty left, I doubt many Clacton'ers will be ready to take one on :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure there the ones I matched them up to a picture of T. lorteti in a book we have, looking nice and plump!!

Oh what the hell I'll give both the litle darlings a nice big home!!
Excellent! Will you be there all day? Mid-morning would probably be good for us.

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