Senegal Bichir

Yeah, I'd go for it. Most senegals max out at 10, or even 8", so it should be fine, but, of course, bigger is always better. It wouldn't have a whole lot of "cruising" space, but it would be able to turn around. I would normally advise bigger quaters, but it should be fine, though as it grows, it may appear (and be) cramped.
I know, this is graphic, but here. This picture has been spread around the net, but the original said it's an adult male spotted cory.

I guess I won't be putting him with my Corydoras then, eh? ;) If there is still one for sale when I go in on Tuesday, I will pick him up, keep him in the 33 gallon for a while, until he gets fairly large (5-6") and then put him in the 45 gallon.
Dwarfs and all other Senegal keepers, what do you feed yours? Will they take flakes, or is it strictly frozen and live? It will be no inconvienence if they will only take frozen and live, I will just feed frozen, and pick up some live ghost shrimp or small feeder goldfish, and I may get into breeding feeder guppies again.
Mine aren't picky, and they eat:
Shrimp pellets
Freeze dried krill
Canned "minishrimp" from grozery store (It's cheap, and there is more quantity than with other frozen foods, you have to freeze it though)
Canned crabmeat from grocery store
Freeze dried brine shrimp
Freeze dried bloodworms
And one of mine a cichlid stick, but don't count on having them eat sticks regularly ;)
I don't feed mine frozen worms (tht's what the shrimp is for!) but I'm sure that a young senegal would gladly et them :nod:
When you say canned shrimp from the grocery store, wouldn't would worry about any salt or additives? Or would it still be fine?
Sean_Buckley said:
When you say canned shrimp from the grocery store, wouldn't would worry about any salt or additives? Or would it still be fine?
I squeeze out all of the liquid and microwave it for 30 sec to a minute :D I've been feeding them tis regularly since I got them (in october) an so far there are no problems (although they are pretty fat and lumpy an the stomach area :p )

The brand I use is "Sunny sea tiny shrimp" :)
Thanks Dwarfs and everyone else who replied! I will be getting one on Tuesday, if they are still in stock (please God, please!). I wish I had a digital camera to take pics...
You might want to try to hand feed yours, mine hid a lot until I started to hand feed them, now they're usually out and swimming :)
i have one in a 55 gal, he seems much happier than he was in my 30 gal. the foot print is only 1 foot though.. i wish it was more wide than high. mine eats almost everthing as long as he can find it. he even eats flakes! only the red ones though :p . i feed him beefheart (once a week or more), frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrim, cichlid pellets, nd some baby shrimp (freezedried). there are 2 ID sharks in the tank i got when i was a noob, they always eat all the food b4 he does, so im gettin rid of them sooon hopefully. i think your tank size is perfect for one of these guys. are you puttin ny other fish in there?

edit: oh, in the summer i feed him earth worms. he loves em!
DANG! DANG! DANG, DANG, DANG! They don't have them in stock! They're getting in a shipment tomorrow, but guess what?! THEY'RE NOT ON THE FREAKING LIST! Daniel said they wouldn't be in until maybe January even! I can guarantee you, if I didn't want one, there would be surplus and they would be giving them away! DANG!

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